Trouble in Twin Town

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*B grabs the ice-cream out of the freezer and a large spoon from the drawer before plopping down next to Sam on the couch*

(Sam) *cocks a brow* ice-cream? I thought you were told no…

(Bailey) *shrugs* I don’t listen

(Sam) *shakes head and chuckles* you’re gunna get busted…

(Bailey) *spoons a glob of ice-cream into her mouth* ittle be worth it *mouth full*

*B takes another bite as Nick and Livie come down the stairs holding hands, He immediately cocks a brow at B before sitting down next to her and grabbing the ice cream, B opens her mouth to object and Nick spoons a glob of ice cream into his mouth*

(Bailey) *Smirks* welcome to the dark side *grabs spoon*

*Mom walks in carrying a bag of groceries as B takes another bite*

(Mom) Bailey Nichole!

(Nick) it wasn’t her…it was me

(Mom) *cocks a brow* uh-huh…sure

(Nick) I needed quick carbs and I’m sick of juice

(Mom) *sighs* put the ice cream away, right now

(Nick) Yes Ma’am *winks at B before taking the ice cream back to the freezer*

(Mom) *sets groceries on the counter* Sam, would you like some waffles as well, are you staying for breakfast?

(Sam) No, thank you

(Mom) are you sure? We have plenty…

(Bailey) Sam is Manorexic…he doesn’t eat food

(Sam) *cocks a brow at B* I appreciate the offer but no thank you, I still have my run to do and I don’t like to eat before…

(Mom) well there is plenty if you change your mind, Bailey why don’t you go round up your brothers, I am starting the waffles.

*B nods and runs upstairs to wake Joe and get Kevin*

(Mom) So, Sam, do you run every day?

(Sam) *nods* yep

(Mom) you should have B start running with you, she would love that

(Sam) *chuckles* uhhh….I doubt that

(Olivia) B loves running, she used to run track

(Sam) *cocks a brow* seriously?

(Mom) mmhmm….she hasn’t run since…

(Nick) *grumpy* since you broke up with her and she ran barefoot to your house in the middle of the storm…

*Sam turns to Nick in shock and Livie slaps Nick in the back of the head*

(Sam) she what?

(Nick) You just took off and left her out in the rain… she ran after you and we found her at your house crying…

(Mom) *warning tone* Nicholas… *hands Nick a waffle*

*Nick takes the waffle and walks into the dining room without another word*

*Sam looks at Mom in shock before turning his eyes to B as she runs back down the stairs, jumping off the last step, Joseph directly in tow*

(Olivia) just ignore him Sam, he is grumpy and in serious need of a nap

(Sam) I’m going to go

(Bailey) *juts out lip* what? Why?

(Sam) you guys are going to eat breakfast, and I need to do my run *kisses B on the forehead before turning and walking to the door*

(Bailey) *walks over and grabs Sam by the shirt* what’s wrong?

(Sam) *sighs* nothing, I just need to run…

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* ok…are you coming back later?

(Sam) I’ll call you *gives B a quick kiss and walks out*

*B walks back into the kitchen confused*

(Bailey) *angry* what just happened?

(Olivia) *looks up nervously* ask Nick…

*B lets out a growl from her throat and turns on her heels toward the dining room*

(Mom) *Warning* Bailey…

(Bailey) What did you say to Sam?

(Nick) *grumpy* nothing…

(Bailey) You said SOMETHING…when I went upstairs he was fine, I came back down and he was upset and left…

*Nick rolls his eyes*

(Bailey) *eyes narrow* It is one thing for you to be a jerk to me, but whatever you said upset him…you need to apologize or do whatever you need to do to fix it…until then we are NOT ok

*B turns on her heels and walks upstairs, Mom calls out for her and she ignores her*

(Bailey’s Inner Monologue)

Dear God,

About the twin…

Chapter End Notes:

I am back to working 40+ hours a week on top of raising two girls and a husband :P I am going to attempt to update more often and have a bunch of chapters almost ready to update for most stories but please bear with me....oh...and there are skittles a comin!

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