Suspiciously Unsuspicious

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*B walks into her room and shuts the door before running into the bathroom*

(Miley) *washing hands* Yay! We did it

(Bailey) Shhhhhhhh… *whispers* way to act all normal…screaming I gotta pee the second you walk in the door doesn’t exactly say Hi I’m sober…

(Miley) but I had to go really bad…

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* Nick followed me upstairs…

(Miley) uh-oh…

(Bailey) yea…so…act normal…for real this time…

(Miley) *nods* right! I’m an actress…I got this…

Fuck me….we are screwed.

*knock on the door*

(Nick) Bailey open the door

(Bailey) ummm…just a minute  *Grabs her toothbrush and quickly brushes her teeth*

(Nick) *wiggles the handle* why did you lock the door? Open up

(Bailey) I’ll be out in a minute Nick…just do the pee pee dance, you can hold it for five seconds or better yet, go use your bathroom…

*B finishes brushing her teeth and opens the door to find Nick standing directly outside*

(Bailey) it’s all yours… *attempts to slide past Nick*

(Nick) *Puts his arm up to block Bailey* I didn’t have to go to the bathroom…why did you lock the door?

(Bailey) I know it’s a foreign concept here in the Jonas household but it’s called privacy…I prefer not to have an audience while I pee… *attempts to duck under Nick’s arm and is blocked again*

(Nick) you didn’t even go pee….

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* and you know this how? Are you monitoring my bladder functions now?

(Nick) because the toilet flushed when we walked up here and hasn’t since…so unless you went and didn’t flush which would be completely gross, then you didn’t go…besides, since when do you have this sudden need for privacy it’s not like you haven’t busted in on me hundreds of times while I was in the shower or whatever to go…

(Bailey) I am a girl … girls need privacy

(Nick) you’re not a girl…not to me…

(Bailey) *furrows brows* I’m not entirely sure how to take that comment…

(Nick) I just mean…you and I…normal rules don’t apply

(Bailey) *scoffs* well, maybe they should…at least when it involves bodily functions

(Nick) How was your movie?

(Bailey) It was ok…we missed a lot of it like I said…Hannah Fannas everywhere

(Nick) mmmhmmm….sure sure…and what was that movie called again?

(Bailey) uh…*looks back at Miley* …..KUNG FU PANDA…that’s it…

(Nick) mmhmm….what was your favorite part? Of the parts you saw I mean.

(Miley) the part where he went HIIIIIYA! *both girls bust out in a fit of giggles*

(Nick) guess I had to be there…anyway…you said you were going to bed so just wanted to say goodnight…I figured you two would be camping out together in here…

(Bailey) yea…

(Nick) K, see you in the morning, Love you

(Bailey) …love you too

*Nick walks out*

(Miley) told you I was a good actress…he didn’t suspect a thing!

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* yea…that’s what worries me…he was suspiciously unsuspicious…

(Miley) pffft! You think too much…he bought it, we are in the clear….HIIIIYA!

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