Leggo My Waffle!

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*Dad walks into the kitchen and kisses Mom on the cheek*

(Dad) yum, waffles *smiles*

(Bailey) Dad, do they make Westones for babies

(Nick) I said no

(Bailey) shush! I'm talking to Dad not you

(Olivia) yea Nick, it's not always about you *teasing*

*Nick smirks and shakes his head*

(Dad) *cocks a brow* do I want to know why you are asking me this

(Mom) *hands Dad a waffle* nope

*Dad smiles and shakes his head before heading to the table*

(Mom) There is supposed to be a huge storm later this eveing

(Joe) what time? V and I had plans to see a movie...maybe we should go to an earlier show

(Mom) it's supposed to start raining this afternoon, and get really bad this evening, I'd rather you not make plans I'd like you to hang around here for tonight.

(Joe) *groans* yes ma'am

(Mom) *sets a plate with a waffle in front of Bailey* take the syrup out to the table with you please

(Bailey) *smiles* yes ma'am

*B gets up, walks over to the fridge an grabs the syrup before walking back to retrieve her waffle and finds Joe holding it in his hand*

*B walks over and pours syrup over Joes head as he goes to take another bite of her waffle*

*Nick and Livie burst out laughing*

(Joe) Bailey!!

(Bailey) what? *playing innocent* you looked like you needed syrup

(Mom) *turns around and gasps* Bailey Nichole!

(Bailey) Joe stole my waffle!

(Mom) so that is your logical response?

(Bailey) no, my logical response was to shoot him but I didn't have a gun...

(Joe) I thought it was my waffle!

(Bailey) lies! You knew that was my waffle!

(Mom) alright! Bailey...*hands B another waffle* take what is left of the syrup to the table...Joseph...go take a shower you are dripping all over the place.

(Joe) but...by the time I get all the syrup off you will be done cooking...

(Mom) well, I will make you some and put them aside for you when you get out

(Joe) they will be cold

(Mom) well then you can reheat them...that's what you get for stealing peoples food

*B smirks at Joe, Joe takes the waffle in his hand and dips it on top of his head then takes a bite*

(Nick) *scrunches nose* dude...gross

(Joe) mmmm delicious *turns and walks up the stairs passing Miley on the way*

(Miley) nice look...who did your hair stud?

(Joe) Bailey *dips waffle in his hair again an offers a bite to Miley*

(Miley) *opens mouth and bites waffle* yummy *smirks*

*Joe chuckles and walks upstairs, Miley walks downstairs and sits at the counter*

(Nick) we are never kissing again...

(Mom) well that takes care of another problem *smirks and hands Miley and Nick a waffle* 

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