Stay Away

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(??) What Jake thing?

*Surprised the twins turn their heads to see Dad standing in the doorway, Baileys heart immediately starts to pound nervously*

(Bailey) How long have you been standing there?

(Dad) not long...what Jake thing?

Bailey's Inner Monologue

SHIT! How long had he been standing there? How much did he hear? He says not long....but how long is that?? I frickin HATE these situations...ya know where you KNOW your mom or dad know something...but you aren't sure how much....and if you don't divulge what they already know then they know you are lying....but if you divulge too much you end up tattling on yourself *groan*

*Dad closes the door and grabs B's desk chair and takes a seat in front of the twins*

(Bailey) H-he was there last the concert

(Dad) oh?

(Bailey) he was like the old Jake again

(Dad) wait, you talked to him?

(Bailey) well, yea...

(Dad) When was this? And why was I not made aware of this situation until just now

(Bailey) umm...during the meet and greet? and there was no situation...we just talked and then I had him give an uber his ticket and he left

(Dad) You sneaking off to meet up with a boy...especially when that boy is Jake...IS a know better

(Bailey) I wasn't sneaking off

(Dad) did you take security with you?

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* no...

(Dad) did you tell anyone where you were going?

(Bailey) no...

(Dad) not ok...

(Bailey) Dad, I'm not five ok? Believe it or not teens walk around and talk to people all the time without security

*Nick clears his throat signaling B to shut up*

(Bailey) *looks at Nick* No, I'm sorry, the boys are the rockstars...not me...I shouldn't have to ask permission or have security with me just to walk down to the end of a hallway.

(Dad) like it or not baby girl, you are in the public eye now...your face is just as recognized by the ubers as the can't  just run around and do whatever you want. While we are on tour, someone needs to be aware of where you are at all times...

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* fine...whatever

*Nick flicks B's thigh and she immediately rubs the abused spot*

(Bailey) Ouch! Stop!

(Nick) you stop

(Dad) BOTH of  you stop...Nicholas, I'd like to talk to your sister alone please...

*B looks at Nick, he gives her a reassuring smile and nods to Dad before standing and walking out*

Bailey's Inner Monologue

Crap...crap...crap...crap... Nick and I need to revise the way we do things...he needs to somehow stop me from saying stupid things and mouthing off....not simply beat me for them afterwards...ugh...this is not my fault...I was born without a filter and Nick somehow was born double filtered...I cannot be held accountable.

*B looks down at her pillow, suddenly fixated on the feathers avoiding Dads eyes, Dad moves over onto the bed to sit next to B*

(Dad) Bailey... I know that it isn't easy putting your life on hold when the boys go on tour and I don't think I've told you how proud I am that you handle it so well.

*B looks up at Dad surprised*

(Bailey) y-you are?

(Dad) *nods* I'm sure it can be frustrating, you being the only girl...there isn't much privacy on tour with such close quarters and you having to have security wherever you go...It's not because I don't trust you, or that I think you are too young to handle all comes down to safety and your mothers and my peace of mind.

(Bailey) I know that...

(Dad) I also understand that you are tired and grumpy...we all are, but please watch your attitude, I would hate to start handing out punishments so soon after getting home.

(Bailey) yes sir...I'm sorry.

(Dad) good *puts his arm around B's shoulder and pulls her into a hug, kissing the top of her head* also want to talk to you about this Jake thing...

(Bailey) *internal groan* Dad , it was no big deal *pulls out of hug* ...honestly...

(Dad) ok...*nods* well, if its no big deal why were you making your brother keep it secret?

(Bailey) *sighs* because I'm sure others would make it a big deal...

(Dad) like Sam?

(Bailey)...and Mom....and Joe *crinkles nose* its not like he isn't going to be at school...or that I'm not going to see him every day...the person it should bother the most is me...and I'm fine... he has changed...

(Dad) *sigh* You say he has changed...and I think that is great, I hope that he has....but I want you to stay away from him...I don't trust him. Understand?

(Bailey) yea...

(Dad) I mean it Bailey...stay away from him.

(Bailey) *nods and nervously fiddles with her ring*  Yes Sir...

(Dad) I think Sam has waited long enough to spend some time with you...

(Bailey) *sighs* I still have to unpack...I got sidetracked

(Dad) you can unpack later...go

(Bailey) *eyes light up* Really?!

(Dad) *nods* just put that stuff in your closet and unpack it first thing tomorrow before your Mom sees

(Bailey) *throws her arms around her Dads neck and pulls him into a hug* thanks you

(Dad) Love you too baby girl

*B kisses Dad on the cheek before quickly throwing her luggage into her closet, opening her bedroom door and running downstairs to find Sam*

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