I Scream, You Scream

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Bailey's Inner Monologue

Kevvy said he would text me after he proposed to let me know what she said, he should be there by now, he left after I got back from school, what could possibly be taking him so long ...OK so...he might possibly be a LITTLE busy doing the celebratory makeout that I'm sure will follow the proposal, but geesh, is it too much to ask for him to be like...."hold that thought...gotta text B" NO! Ugh...

*B is lying on her bed staring at her phone willing it to buzz, finally she throws it down in frustration and walks to the bathroom to check her hair*

(Nick) *walks in and holds up a shirt* this one?

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* what you have on is fine...

(Nick) *groan* says the girl primping her hair...

(Bailey)I have been at school all day and look disgusting...you however have had all day to decide what to wear and you look fine...

(Nick) *frustrated* fine...don't help *walks out*

(Bailey) *under breath* grump ass

*B's phone buzzes with a text and she runs to check it*


(Jake) hey 😊

(Bailey) yes?

(Jake) ugh, can't I say hi without you being mean?

(Bailey) sorry...was expecting a text, got all excited and then it was you

(Jake) geesh

(Bailey) that sounded bitchier than I intended...

(Jake) well, at least you weren't intentionally being a bitch 😜

(Bailey) ha ha ha

(Jake) question...

(Bailey) answer...

(Jake) football team is hosting that talent show thing in a couple weeks to raise money for new uniforms and stuff for next year...

(Bailey) yea, Sam mentioned it...

(Jake) was wondering if maybe your brothers would want to maybe do a song? Help sell some tickets...

(Bailey) trying to take advantage of my brothers fame so you can have shiny new helmets?

(Jake) perhaps 😜

(Bailey) I'll mention it, but don't hold your breath

(Jake) nice 😊  what about you?

(Bailey) what about me?

(Jake) oh come on...there should be at least one Jonas singing at this thing...where is your school spirit??

(Bailey) me? I don't think so

(Jake) why not? Your voice is amazing

(Bailey) that is very sweet of you to say...but no

(Jake) at least think about it...

(Bailey) goodbye Jake 😋

*B tosses the phone down on the bed and walks into Nicks room*

(Nick) *grumpy* what

(Bailey) *crinkles nose* chill hulk, I was coming to help you pick a shirt

(Nick) forget it, I'm just going to wear this one...

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* whatever

*B walks downstairs and finds Mom standing in the kitchen opening a large package*

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