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-Sunday Afternoon, Day16-

*The twins are laying in bed asleep when B’s bedroom light flips on emitting a groan from both twins*

(Olivia) That’s it! I have had enough of your whiney, depressed twin asses…get up

(Bailey) *grumpy* go away Livie *pulls blanket over their heads*

(Olivia) Nope! You two are on my last nerve *grabs the blanket on their bed and starts to yank*

(Bailey) we are entitled to sulk…go away

(Olivia) *Yanks blanket off the twins and both of them flip onto their stomachs burying their faces in their pillows* You have both been moping around in pajamas all weekend since that STUPID video came out…

(Bailey) You could be a little more sympathetic…

(Olivia) I am due in 15 days!! You wasted one of my last weekends of freedom for the next EIGHTEEN YEARS feeling sorry for yourself…well guess what twinsies…life sucks…people leave…*smacks Nick on the butt*

(Nick) *jumps and yelps into pillow* OUCH!

(Olivia) Get out of bed, get dressed and meet me downstairs…don’t make me come back up here *walks out*

(Nick) she. just. spanked. me.

(Bailey) *Rolls eyes* you sound entirely too happy about that…

(Nick) *chuckles* what are the chances she is bluffing

(Bailey) slim to none…I’m not going to find out, pregnant Livie scares me…*rolls over Nick and off the bed standing up before grabbing Nick's hand and pulling him up*

*10 minutes later the twins shuffle down the stairs dressed and looking presentable*

(Olivia) *smirks* see…told you I could do it *holds out hand to Joe and Joe scoffs before reaching in his pocket and shoving some money in her hand*

(Joe) you guys suck

(Olivia) Joey here has graciously volunteered to take us to get icecream…his treat *holds up $20 that Joe gave her*

(Bailey) I don’t really feel like going anywhere

(Nick) yea, Liv, that’s very sweet of you but…

(Olivia) *cuts Nick off* you are both going, you are gunna eat icecream and dammit you are gunna like it!

*Both twins look at eachother before giving in and heading for the car*

*Joe turns the key in the ignition and as if on cue 7 things blares through the speakers*

(Nick) *growl* turn it off! 

(Joe) *quickly turns off the radio* sorry dude…that was some epic bad timing

(Nick) that damn song is everywhere

(Olivia) Have you talked to her yet?

(Nick) no…she won’t answer my calls

(Bailey) she did say when she was here that she was heading to location for the Hannah movie…

(Nick) its been three days Bailey, She’s not filming the whole time…she is avoiding me

(Bailey) you never know, maybe the location doesn’t have cell service…its been known to happen

(Nick) why are you defending her?

(Bailey) I'm not! Its just not like her to deliberately hurt you like that…I'm just sayin…

(Nick) whatever…I don’t want to talk about it…

(Olivia) fabulous idea… no talking about Ex’s, starting right now…

*Joe pulls into the ice cream shop and they all pile inside picking their ice cream before sitting down at a booth*

(Olivia) so, since we are off school tomorrow I thought we could paint Peanut’s room…

(Bailey) sounds good…

(Nick) do I get to help?

(Olivia) um, yea, I was kinda counting on it…

(Nick) *smiles* ok

*7 things stars playing on the radio in the icecream shop*

(Nick) *growls* I’ll be back *gets up and goes to the back of the shop*

(Olivia) go check on him

(Bailey) I think he can handle going pee by himself Livie, but thanks for your concern…

(Olivia) *scoffs* whatever I will go…

(Bailey) have fun with that…

*Olivia walks to the back of the shop and finds Nick leaning against the wall, his phone in hand, texting*

(Olivia) *cocks a brow* who are you texting?

(Nick) Miley

*Olivia walks over and grabs Nick’s phone*

(Nick) Liv…

(Olivia) NO do not Liv me….I have been waiting for you to kiss me again for over two weeks and I’m not sure if you have noticed, but I’m not exactly the most patient person…that kiss, was it just a rebound thing for you…'cause it wasn’t for me…

(Nick) no…

(Olivia) what then? A mistake? 

(Nick) Liv…

(Olivia) Revenge on Miley? 

(Nick) Livie…

(Olivia) Just something to do?

(Nick) Olivia!

(Olivia) *frustrated* What!?

(Nick) shut up *brings a hand up to cup Livie’s face, the other grabbing the hem of her shirt and pulling her close before crushing his lips to hers*

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