Boys are Gross

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*1 week later*

Seriously, I question the sanity level of some of the ubers out there, I see girls scream, cry and profess their undying love on a daily basis while on tour and it makes me wonder how obsessed these girls would be if they really KNEW the Jonas Brothers….for instance…boys smell…just in general…any boy who denies this fact is lying. Growing up with three older brothers I have been exposed to enough funk to have probably permanently damaged me in some way I am not yet aware of…

(Bailey) *Bangs on bathroom door* COURTESY FLUSH! Good God….why ANYONE would find you attractive is beyond me *mumbling under breath walks downstairs*

(Mom) Hey sweetie…

(Bailey) *grumbles* boys are gross…seriously

(Mom) *giggles* I’m not about to argue that with you

(Bailey) I blame you ya know…I mean…living with this many boys has got to be hazardous to our health in some way…like living next to a toxic waste dump

(Mom) *nods* thank goodness you came along so I could finally stop having babies *smiles*

(Bailey) mmmhmmm….saved the best for last that is for sure

(Mom) so which boy in particular is irritating you today or is this just a general rant?

(Bailey) Oh I am just generally sick of all the funk….I mean…I practically have to go to a neighbor’s house to take a pee because there is inevitably a boy smelling up the bathroom …EVERY bathroom when I need to go… and do you know how long it took me to get the boy sweat smell out of my room after they came back from working out yesterday…I mean…he just lays down on my bed all sweaty…

(Mom) Nick?

(Bailey) No…Joe…and he did it just to annoy me too….

(Mom) oh I doubt that…

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* why would you doubt that?

(Mom) I doubt he did it just to annoy you, I’m sure that was just a serendipitous perk… *smirk*

(Bailey) oh I am so glad you find this amusing…and when your grandbabies come out with thirteen toes from all the toxic exposure we will see who is laughing then now wont we…

(Mom) awwww….I am sure they will be the cutest thirteen toed babies ever…

(Bailey) *exasperated sigh* I can’t rant to you…all you do is make fun

(Mom) and what am I supposed to do?

(Bailey) you are supposed to agree with me and hatch a plan of how to rid us of all the testosterone….I vote for selling them or sending them somewhere like Siberia…

(Mom) uh-huh….well, I already tried selling you kids years ago and there were no takers….besides just how long do you think you would survive without your testosterone filled twin…

(Bailey) fair enough….but the other two gotta go…

(Mom) with Kevin getting married you will have one less boy to worry about around here, and I think you are going to miss it…

(Bailey) pffft….this family is freakishly close, I highly doubt I will have a chance to miss him, in fact I have nightmares about us ending up like the Waltons and living in a big house where we get married but we never move out…

(Mom) oh gosh that does sound scary…

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* I’m not joking…I’m gunna find someone else to rant to…you suck all the fun out of complaining

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