A Little Bit Stronger

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(Bailey) *grabs a stool and sets it on the left side of the stage before taking a seat* Whew! *wipes a tear from her cheek again* I know a lot of you were hoping to see the Jonas Brothers tonight...


(Bailey) *giggles*...well, too bad


(Bailey) my songs usually stem from that broken heart category...my Dad asked me what kind of song I was writing to sing tonight...'cause I didn't let him hear it before the show....and I was like an "I'm sorry I lied to you and didn't appreciate what I had till it was gone and now I can't stop thinking about you or crying because I miss you" kind of song.... And he nodded his head and said....so...a country song?


(Bailey) so yea...not really JB material...the Jonas Brothers won't be performing tonight

*crowd groans*

(Bailey) This next song however, worked better as a duet, so I hope one brother is enough *smiles*

*Nick walks out carrying his acoustic and the crowd cheers*

(Bailey) yay they like me again *claps hands*


(Nick) *steps up to mic* How is everyone doing tonight?


(Nick) so what did ya'll think of the bonus Jonas?


(Nick) yea...I like her too *smiles* ok, this next song was written last night...cause B is a procrastinator

(Bailey) it's true...


(Nick) see B doesn't write songs, she writes letters...or rants down in a journal and then brings them to me and I change the arrangement up a bit and then she has a song...so she brings her journal to me at like seven o'clock last night and tells me this is what she wants to sing as her second song...this particular journal entry was a rant...well half of it was a rant about one person and the other half was more of a letter to another person...seemed pretty fitting for us to sing it as a duet...we were up till about...what...

(Bailey) 3am....

(Nick) 3am...

(Bailey) that's when he politely told me to shut my mouth and go to sleep...


(Nick) hope you guys like it *starts playing his acoustic*



Together (harmony)

Woke up late today,

And I still feel the sting of the pain,

But I brushed my teeth anyway.

I got dressed through the mess,

And put a smile on my face.

I got a little bit stronger.

Riding in the car to work,

And I'm trying to ignore the hurt.

So I turned on the radio,

Stupid song made me think of you.

I listened to it for a minute,

But then I changed it.

I'm getting a little bit stronger,

Just a little bit stronger.

And I'm done hoping we can work it out,

I'm done with how it feels

Spinning my wheels,

Letting you drag my heart around.

And I'm done thinking you could ever change,

I know my heart will never be the same.

But I'm telling myself I'll be okay,

Even on my weakest days,

I get a little bit stronger.

It doesn't happen overnight,

But you turn around and a months gone by,

And you realize you haven't cried.

I'm not giving you an hour, or a second, or another minute longer.

I'm busy getting stronger.

And I'm done hoping we can work it out,

I'm done with how it feels

Spinning my wheels,

Letting you drag my heart around.

And I'm done thinking you could ever change,

I know my heart will never be the same.

But I'm telling myself I'll be okay,

Even on my weakest days,

I get a little bit stronger.

I get a little bit stronger.

Getting along without you baby,

Better off without you baby,

How does it feel without me baby?

I'm getting stronger without you baby.

And I'm done hoping we can work it out,

I'm done with how it feels

Spinning my wheels,

Letting you drag my heart around.

And I'm done thinking you could ever change,

I know my heart will never be the same.

But I'm telling myself I'll be okay,

Even on my weakest days,

I get a little bit stronger.


(Bailey) *smiles* thank you

*Principal walks back out on stage with mic*

(Principal) What a great way to start off our show...Nick and Bailey Jonas *gestures to Nick and B and auditorium cheers*

*B and Nick wave and walk off stage*

*Dad wraps his arms around B in a hug*

(Dad) that was amazing baby girl

(Bailey) *smiles* thanks Dad....*looks around* where are Livie and Mom? I thought they were supposed to be here.

(Dad) Well, they were...

(Bailey) They didn't come? They both missed the songs? *hurt*

(Dad) Well baby girl...they both wanted to be here...

(Bailey) where are they?

(Dad) Your mom called just before the show...she was on the way to the hospital...Livie is in labor

(Twins) WHAT?!

Chapter End Notes:

Anyone order a peanut?

Song lyrics are "A Little Bit Stronger" by Sara Evans

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