The Consequences of Sex

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(Olivia) Have these people never watched a scary movie before? EVERYONE knows if you have sex, say ‘I’ll be right back’, or run through the woods that you will undoubtedly die…I mean, let’s be honest, how many lazy virgins do you see dying in scary movies….NONE

(Miley) touché! Wonder what happens if you say ‘I’ll be right back’ before jogging in the woods to meet your boyfriend & have sex…

(Bailey) I’m fairly certain that you die so much you actually evaporate into thin air…

(Miley) *rears back her head in a loud laugh* wow…that would be weird…the guy would be like…heck yea I just got laid…and POOF…the girl evaporates

(Olivia) yea, usually it’s the guy who disappears after sex

(Bailey) annnnnd….theres the man hate…lets change the topic, this one goes nowhere pretty..

(Olivia) I’m just saying…if guys weren’t such assholes and so concerned with getting laid and pressuring girls into having sex, they wouldn’t be getting hurt

*awkward silence*

Bailey’s Inner Monologue

Oh dear God….I would like to evaporate from this awkward moment right now… but since there are no woods around here, the only guys in close vicinity are my brothers and I can’t say ‘I’ll be right back’ because I am actually too scared to leave the room…I’m screwed….

(Bailey) Livie…

(Olivia) I mean…it’s not like I even wanted to have sex…but of course I was stupid and thought that if I finally gave in to all his pressuring that things would get better between us, which CLEARLY worked out so well for me …AND honestly, I never want to see or talk to him again, but what about Peanut? How is this going to fuck her up in the future knowing that her Daddy never wanted her…how can he just continue on with his life all carefree…go on dates and to parties and not give a shit about her?? I never asked him for anything, it’s not like he has to be up with her every night or changing her diapers… but he couldn’t even show up at the hospital…he hasn’t even seen his own child. *tears* Bailey, I know that you are upset that Nick is showing her so much attention and because of it he is neglecting his own needs and being an ass to you, but I can’t help but feel so grateful that at least she has a guy in her life that gives a shit.

*Door opens and Nick peeks his head in*

(Nick) *sees Livie crying* are you ok?

(Olivia) *sniffles and wipes her eyes* yea…I’m fine…the movie just made me cry…is Peanut alright?

(Nick) yea, she is fine, she is sleeping, are you sure you are ok?

(Olivia) I’m fine, I’m just going to go upstairs and rest with Peanut *walks over and gives Nick a kiss and walks out*

(Nick) what movie are you guys watching?

(Miley) Cheerleading Chainsaw Massacre….

(Nick) *cocks a brow* o….k….. and that made her cry?

(Bailey) it’s a long story that started with cheerleaders running through the woods and ended with you…

*awkward silence*

(Miley) I’ll just go…make a sandwich or something… *stands up and walks toward the door*

(Nick) thanks Miles

(Miley) *kisses Nick on the cheek* work it out

*Nick walks over and sits on the floor next to B leaning against the couch, B immediately shoves Nick’s shoulder, Nick sits back up seeming completely unphased and B shoves him again, again he rebounds completely unphased and B finally delivers an open handed smack to his cheek, shocking them both*

(Nick) *wide eyes* feel better now?

(Bailey) YES! *sighs* no, I shouldn’t have done that…

(Nick) *chuckles* I deserved it…I’ve been an ass…

(Bailey) *shrugs* I should be used to the D backlash by now…just sucks being on the receiving end all the time…

(Nick) the thing is I can’t even blame it on D…its mostly because I’m tired and grumpy…

(Bailey) well, you don’t have to get up every morning with Charlie …

(Nick) I know it’s my fault…it's just… I know Livie has pretended to be so strong through this whole pregnancy but she is scared B and sad…that isn’t the first time I’ve caught her crying.

(Bailey) *sad, nods* I know

(Nick) I love her, I think I have for a while…I just want to be there for her and Peanut but I know I need to take care of myself before I worry about anyone else…

(Bailey) yes, you do…

(Nick) *sighs* You’ve always been the one person I can just be ME around, you know…I don’t have to pretend I am happy when I’m not…sometimes I take advantage of it, I’m sorry.

(Bailey) *small smile* it's ok…I’m sorry I hit you

(Nick) *smile* it's ok…still love me even though I’m an ass?

(Bailey) *smiles* yea, I ‘spose…

Chapter End Notes:

Moral of the chapter.....Sex kills....HAHA just kidding....OR AM I.... surprises to come, drama (of course) and some mischief 😜

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