Date Alterations

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*Four Hours Later*

(Bailey) That was such a nice afternoon out. We should totally do that more often.

*Miley and Joe trade looks with one another*

(Nick) Agreed. Thanks for letting us tag along.

*B grabs Nick's shirt before dragging into the media room and shutting the door*

(Nick) We are geniuses.

(Bailey) I have to give you props for your brilliant performance. That stunt at Starbucks was magic.

(Nick) *blows on his fingertips before polishing them on his shirt* It was pretty brilliant, but I have to hand it to you for conveniently bringing up Ronnie in almost every conversation then pointing out the jewelry and going on and on about how he should buy it for her and how romantic it would be...

*The door opens as the twins grin maniacally*

(Sam) You two look like you just caused some trouble.

(Bailey) pffft! Don't pretend to KNOW us Samuel...

(Sam) *cocks a brow* Who were your victims?

(Nick) *smirks* Miles and Joey . . . they think they're being so sneaky by secretly dating but I figured it out and now we've been making their time together hell.

(Sam) *nodded* Well played. How pissed are they?

(Bailey) *shrugs* We are definitely not their favorite twins at the moment. I deemed Joe my brother of the week  then proceeded to hang all over him the entire time and when they tried sneaking off to Starbucks while we shopped for our nonexistent necessities we were suddenly struck with the need for caffeine. Nick changed his mind at least five times on his drink of choice before I piped in and started an argument over why the small was called tall and the medium was called grande because both of them are freakishly tiny, I thought Joe's head was going to explode.

(Sam) *chuckles* wow...sounds like you two were in rare form.

(Nick) It is safe to say Joe won't be taking us anywhere willingly for a very long time

*Sam chuckles before leaning over and giving B a quick kiss*

(Bailey) So, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting to see you till tonight.

(Sam) Well, I wanted to see if you would be ok with having dinner at my house before the movie instead of going out...

(Bailey) your house?

(Sam) *nods* we are having gnocchi, which I know you like, and you have never actually met my parents...they are starting to think I am making you up

(Nick) you have never met his parents?

(Bailey) in my defense I've been out of town for a large portion of this relationship

(Nick) oh yea...and then there was that whole you breaking his heart thing...

(Bailey) *glares at Nick* thank you Nicholas...I will put that on the list of reasons to freak out about meeting his parents tonight

(Sam) so is that a yes?

(Bailey) *smiles* sure, sounds great

(Sam) *smiles* good, and don't freak out...they will love you

(Bailey) *holds out her hand* lemme see your phone, I need to text Livie, she needs to dress me

*Nick hands B his phone*

(Sam) don't have to wear anything special...just wear whatever you were going to wear before...

(Bailey) *texts Livie* no...what I was going to wear before was a casual dinner and a movie outfit...I need something that says I'm sorry I've been dating your son for the better half of the year and this is the first time we are meeting oh and PS, sorry for breaking his heart, I'm really not a heartless bitch that is completely void of manners and morals

(Sam) wow...your outfit sure is talkative

(Bailey) you only get one chance to make a first impression and I am completely incapable of dressing myself for something so important. *phone buzzes with text and B smiles* Livie is coming over to dress me, Nick you have baby duty.

(Nick) *smiles* fine by me...hey, with you going on a date tonight who is going to torture Joe and Miley?

(Bailey) *hops onto the couch* looks like it's a one man show tonight...make me proud *lets out a loud burp*

(Nick) WEAK...I give it a 4...that was dead sexy should have saved that one for Sam's ladylike *turns to Sam* I can see why you are so attracted to her...she is quite the catch.

(Sam) *chuckles* she definitely isn't like any other girl I've met

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* in my defense I was raised by boys

(Sam) *smiles* I didn't say it was a bad thing babe, I love that your burps usually include a rating system and a competition of some sort.

(Bailey) yes, well, let's hope your parents love me as much as you do.

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