I Could Have Used a Friend

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(Bailey) Nick…

(Nick) *pulls out of hug* yea?

(Bailey) go eat

*Nick smiles at Miles and rolls his eyes before turning to walk back into the kitchen*

 (Miley) *sighs* B…

*B turns and walks outside taking a seat on the front step, Miley follows her out pulling the door closed before taking a seat next to B*

(Miley) I don’t blame you if you hate me…I kinda hate me too…

(Bailey) I don’t hate you…I know that it was business but things got really bad with Sam and I…I could have used a friend.

(Miley) *sighs* From a career standpoint it was the right decision, but as a friend, it was shitty. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.

(Bailey) Don’t ever disappear again…

(Miley) I won’t, I promise

*B smiles and nods*

(Miley) So, what did I miss?

(Bailey) you mean besides me in a major depression and crying all the time?

(Miley) ugh…I feel awful

(Bailey) *shrugs* you didn’t miss much…you missed me sing though…

(Miley) *smirks* no I didn’t

*B cocks a brow in confusion*

(Miley) YouTube

(Bailey) oh yea…forgot

(Miley) So did you and Sam work things out? Did your song work?

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* how did you know that was what the song was for?

(Miley) pfft! Girl please, you may not have a contract like your brothers but you are a musician…that’s how we communicate, anyone with half a brain could see that was your ‘I fucked up, I’m sorry, please give me another chance’ song…

(Bailey) *giggles* that’s funny, that’s almost exactly how I described it to Dad

(Miley) mmhmm…so?

(Bailey) yea, it worked…

(Miley) *smiles* good, you two belong together

(Bailey) *sighs* you know he is with Livie now, right?

(Miley) I figured…I’m happy for them

*B cocks a brow*

(Miley) what?! I am!

(Bailey) you love him…

(Miley) of course I love him, but I have come to realize that I’m not IN love with him…I think Livie is perfect for him, and I am more than happy with my position as best friend

(Bailey) *smiles and pulls Miley into a hug* I missed you so much

(Miley) I missed you too…both of you

(Bailey) how long are you staying?

(Miley) *smiles* my schedule is clear for the next two weeks, I was hoping I could stay for a bit, soak in some twin time…I am desperately low.

(Bailey) *Smiles* really!?

*Miley nods*

(Bailey) *sighs* we don’t exactly have an extra bed… Livie and Peanut have been here since she left the hospital

(Miley) I don’t mind crashing on a couch or the floor, but if it’s an issue I can stay at the hotel, I rented a room for the night in case Nick slammed the door in my face when I showed up

(Bailey) oooh…we could camp out in the media room

(Miley) *nods* sounds fun, are you sure your mom and dad won’t mind me staying? I’m sure your dad isn’t too happy with the media fires I started for Nick

(Bailey) they won’t mind, they love you, and Dad was saying the whole time that something didn’t feel right about how that whole video went down…he kept telling Nick that there must be some explanation for what happened and why he couldn’t get ahold of you. He told him to just be patient and lay low while it blew over and you would come around.

(Miley) *smiles* I love your dad, he is so wise

Chapter End Notes:

little bridge chapter, Miley is back and there are a bunch of unexpected things in store for you guys!

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