Suck It Up

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Bailey’s Inner Monologue

By 5:15 I had worked myself into a full on panic over meeting Sam’s parents, I don’t know why I felt so nervous, but I could not shake the feeling that something was going to go horribly wrong, when Kevin pulled up in front of Sam’s house my heart was racing and I was sweating like a whore in church.

(Kevin) *chuckles* are you alright? You look like you might vomit…

(Bailey) what if they hate me

(Kevin) Bay, they are not going to hate you

(Bailey) you don’t know that…

(Kevin) Hey…look at me…*B looks at Kevin, her face sick with worry* Sam loves you and his parents are going to love you too…trust me

(Bailey) *leans over and gives Kevin a hug* ok, but if this goes horribly wrong I’m blaming you

(Kevin) fair enough…have fun

*B hops out of the SUV and walks up to the door knocking quickly on it before the door opens revealing a familiar blonde*

-Bailey’s Inner Monologue-

Oh for the love of God and everything holy…what the hell is Alex doing here? Sam did not mention her when he extended the invitation to dinner. This dinner was going to be stressful enough meeting his parents for the first time without the addition of his sister, the sister I just so happened to have accused him of cheating on me with….AWWWWKWARD.

(Bailey) Hi I'm Bailey. Sam invited me over for dinner.

(Alex) Uh huh . . . I've heard all about you. And let it be known, I'm not you're biggest fan.

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* Duly noted. Is Sam around?

(Alex) *holds the door open and smirks* Come on in. I'm sure he's around somewhere.

*B walks through the door and is immediately greeted with the smell of delicious Italian food, a beautiful woman with sandy blonde hair thrown up into an updo and a tall handsome man with brown hair wearing a pair of stylish glasses step out from the kitchen and smile.

(Alex) *grins* this is Sam's girlfriend, Bailey. Bailey this is Laura and my dad Mike.

(Laura) We have heard so much about you. It's finally nice to meet the girl who has captured our Sam's heart.

(Bailey) *smiles* very nice to meet you too, thank you for inviting me to dinner

(Mike) our pleasure Bailey, you are just in time, dinner is ready

(Laura) *yelling up the stairs* Sam, dinner's ready!

*B walks into the dining room taking a seat at the table and awkwardly waits before hearing footsteps on the stairs*

(Sam) *walks into the dining room* Hey you. How long have you been here?

(Bailey) Only a few minutes, not too long but I met your family. *gives Sam a glare* You didn't tell me Alex was going to be joining us for dinner.

(Sam) *grins* Because I only found out when I got home from your house and by then you were knee deep in your fashion crisis and Livie wasn’t allowing you phone calls.

(Alex) fashion crisis?

(Bailey) *glares at Sam again* Um, well…I had anticipated our date to be more like….McDonalds and a movie and then Sam invited me to dinner here and my best friend would have slapped me if I had come to a meet the parents dinner in a McDonalds outfit….

(Alex) whatever that means…

*B fidgets nervously and Sam glares at Alex as he takes a seat next to B at the table*

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