My Body

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Bailey’s Inner Monologue

I seriously hate how much I value Nick’s opinion sometimes…I couldn’t sleep at all last night, just laid there awake worrying about my damn belly ring.

Next Evening 7pm

*B and Sam are sitting in the media room watching a movie*

(Bailey) *Bites lip nervously*  I have to tell you something and I’m not sure how you’re going to react…

(Sam)*cocks a brow* What is it? Are you leaving for tour again?

(Bailey) *shaking her head* No...I’m not leaving…*glancing over her shoulder making sure the door was closed* Ok you cannot scream or yell because no one but Nick knows…

(Sam) You’re making me nervous

*B stands from the couch and starts to pull up the hem of her shirt*

(Sam) *Jumps up glancing back at the door before tugging her shirt back down* WOAH! What are you doing?

(Bailey) You’re such a guy! Sit down and let me show you.

*B pushes Sam back down to the couch before taking a deep breath and lifting her shirt to reveal her piercing*

(Sam) *mouth drops* you-you’re…you got pierced!

(Bailey) SHHHHH!

(Sam) First off, that’s sexy as hell. And second, WHAT were you thinking? When did you do that?

(Bailey) *smiles* you think it’s sexy?

(Sam) Bailey…

(Bailey) a little over a week ago…

(Sam) a week? You’ve had that thing for over a week and you didn’t tell me?

(Bailey) *pulls shirt down in frustration* yes, it’s MY body and I decided I wanted it done so I did it…I wasn’t aware I needed permission or approval from you…

(Sam) So…if I went out and got a tattoo without telling you, you would be totally cool with that?

(Bailey) no...that’s different

(Sam) how so? My body…

(Bailey) tattoos are permanent for one…and what if you got something totally hideous…

(Sam) again…my body

(Bailey) yea well I’m the one who looks at your body…

(Sam) exactly

(Bailey) *upset* what the …20 seconds ago it was sexy as hell and now it’s something hideous you will be forced to look at?

(Sam) *sighs and grabs B’s hand pulling her down to his lap* It IS sexy babe…look…I don’t want to fight over this…you are right…it is your body and you don’t need my approval or permission…I am just a little shocked that’s all…

(Bailey) *smiles* so…you like it?

(Sam) Do YOU like it?

(Bailey) Yes, I do…

*Sam smiles placing a finger to B’s chin before pulling her lips to his*

(Olivia) *busts into the media room interrupting the makeout session* Uh… Sorry…just lookin for Nick.

(Bailey) *breaking the kiss* um, okie...nice seeing you.

(Olivia) we’ll catch up later. I’m going to find your brother.

(Bailey) That was weird...wonder what’s going on. *sits confused staring at the door*

(Sam) *kissing down B’s neck* Babe, I’m doing some of my best work here…I’d prefer your attention on me.

*Door opens again, Joe walks in looking pissed*

(Joe) are you insane?

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* What are you talking about?

*Joe walks over to the couch and grabs B’s arm pulling her off Sam’s lap*

(Bailey) *nearly falls as Joe pulls her up* What the hell is your problem?

(Joe) You mean besides the fact that I walked in here to find you straddling Sam like a slut?

(Sam) HEY!

(Bailey) *pissed*No different than what Miley does to you I’m sure!

(Joe) *stops for a moment in shock* don’t change the subject…

(Bailey) which would be….?

(Joe) Your piercing Bailey Nichole!

(Bailey) *shocked* how…who… *angry* UGH… I am going to KILL HIM!

End Chapter Notes:

So...yea...did I mention there were skittles coming? surprise...

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