The Hardest Thing

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-Friday 6:45, high school-

*Jonas clan and security are held up in the boys locker room waiting for the show, B and Nick are doing vocal warm up in the showers*

*B stops doing lip trills and leans her head against the shower wall*

(Nick) you ok? What's wrong?

(Bailey) why do the boys have a bigger locker room than the girls?

(Nick) *cocks a brow* I dunno...maybe because we play more sports and have more need for a locker room?

(Bailey) *scoffs* girls play sports! There is a soccer team and a basketball team...and cheerleading!

(Nick) *rolls eyes* why does it even matter to you, what sports teams do you play on?

(Bailey) well...none...but that is beside the point

(Nick) *chuckles* getting nervous huh?

(Bailey) *groan* yes

(Nick) *hugs B* You will be great

(Dad) *pops head in showers* show time you two...

Bailey's Inner Monologue

Oh my goodness...I think I might actually be on earth do the boys do this every night on thousands of people none the less, what the hell was I thinking volunteering to sing in this damn thing...

(Nick) *grabs B's hand and gives it a squeeze bringing her out of her internal freakout* you ready?

(Bailey) I think I've changed my mind...I don't need to win Sam back...I'll just become an old maid and adopt lots of cats...

(Nick) *chuckles* no...that will never work

(Bailey) *pout* why not?

(Nick) because we are dog people

(Bailey) this is no time for logic Nicholas!

(Nick) you are's time to sing *puts his hand on B's back and starts pushing her out of the locker room*

(Bailey) I think I am going to be do you guys do this every night on tour?? And don't you dare tell me to picture everyone in their underwear because I feel sick enough already...

*B and Nick reach the back of the Auditorium stage, The principal is on stage welcoming everyone to the fundraiser*

(Nick) stage lights are won't be able to see anyone except for people right near the stage...Big Rob is standing center stage, use him as a point of reference and just look toward to back of the will be fine, trust me

(Dad) ready Baby girl?

(Bailey) No...

(Nick) *pulls B into a hug and whispers into her ear* what are you willing to do to get him back?

(Bailey) *mumbles* anything....

(Nick) *whispers* one song...

*Principal announces B*

(Bailey) *deep breath* goes nothin...

(Nick) you will be great...I'll join you on stage after Sam's song...

*B nods and walks out on the stage*

Bailey's Inner Monologue

I walked out onto the stage and took the mic from the principal, immediately my stomach started to calm when I realized Nick was right...with the stage lights I couldn't see anyone past the first row, and I could barely see them at was just me...a piano and Biggz standing center stage in the pit area as promised.

 *lots of cheering from the auditorium*

(Bailey) *holds mic up to her mouth and the cheering settles* Hello *smiles*


(Bailey) I can't believe they are making me go first...but according to Principal Evans Biggz here *points to Big Rob* makes the other performers a little nervous

*Big Rob does a little wave to the crowd and they laugh*

(Bailey) *Walks over and sits down at the piano and puts the mic into the stand* My brothers say that the root of most good songs are one of two things...being happy in love...or having your heart broken...they are both topics that a lot of people can relate to...I have done a lot of writing lately, so tonight I am actually going to sing two original songs I wrote...This first one was actually a letter I wrote for someone I hurt...Its Called ‘The Hardest Thing'... *starts playing piano*

The Hardest Thing'

Still framed photographs of you and me together

Are all I have of me and you anymore

We were so in love and we thought it'd last forever

But in the storm, we were torn

And I won't forget you

I don't regret you

But the hardest thing I've had to do is live without you

And I wonder why we both walked away

I've tried without you

Cried about you

Now turn around, come back, so I don't dream without you

And I promise I will make you want to stay

I'm digging deep to find a way that we can both be

Wrapped up in each other's arms for one more day

We've had our time to think but still I'm feeling empty

When you say that you won't stay

And I won't forget you

I don't regret you

But the hardest thing I've had to do is live without you

And I wonder why we both walked away

I've tried without you

Cried about you

Now turn around, come back, so I don't dream without you

And I promise I will make you want to stay

I'm sorry for all I did

What I said

And the things I hid

I'm finally over me

The past is through

I can't imagine where I'd be

If you had never rescued me

You gave me hope to live, now I need you

 I need you...

And I won't forget you

I don't regret you

But the hardest thing I've had to do is live without you

And I wonder why we both walked away

I've tried without you

Cried about you

Now turn around, come back, so I don't dream without you

And I promise I will make you want to stay

*Bailey finishes up the chords on the piano and the crowd cheers and claps, she wipes a tear from her cheek before grabbing the mic and standing from the piano. 

Chapter End Notes:

the first song.... Sams Song is called The Hardest Thing-Julia Sheer

The Way I Loved You-WTLGD2Where stories live. Discover now