A New Song and Spontaneous F-Bombs

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-Thursday, 7pm, 24 hours until the fundraiser-

Bailey's Inner Monologue

I am officially no longer a freshman. Today was our last day of school before summer break and it could not have come at a better time for a few reasons:

1)       I can't prove it but I am fairly certain it was the athletic director that told the local paper that I would be singing in the fundraiser. News of this quickly spread like wildfire through the uber community. Those eager to see the "Bonus Jonas" sing as well as hopefully catch a glimpse of one of my brothers there supporting me quickly purchased tickets. Uber sales alone covered what was needed to purchase the new uniforms and equipment for the athletic department so all week both faculty and every jock at school has been paying me extra attention...needless to say I am not a fan of being in the spotlight.

2)       Sam is still not speaking to me so the close proximity to him at school is almost unbearable and since Livie hasn't returned to school because of her damn splitting pelvis I have spent my free time alone...mostly writing.

3)       Unbeknown by my brothers I finally gave in to Jake and agreed to meet with him after school yesterday, I don't know why I agreed...in my mind I had convinced myself that MAYBE I was supposed to be with him and that is why it didn't work with Sam. He said he just wanted to be friends...and I believed him. We met up at the Pavilion...that right there should have been the big fucking warning sign. At first the meeting was civil...friendly...but then it got a little TOO friendly. Soon he was kissing me, like the night at the movies his lips seemed to know exactly what to do to make my brain go fuzzy. I had to admit, Jake was an AMAZING kisser. If it had stopped at kissing I probably could have considered remaining "friends" but then old Jake showed up...his hand running over my ass to pull me closer before attempting to snake the other up my shirt. When I said no he made no attempt to stop so I promptly ended our "friendly" meeting by shoving him away and landing a sharp smack across his face. I will say that unlike the old Jake, new Jake took the smack quite well and immediately apologized for going too far....but that was just it...it was too far. I have come to the realization that he would never change. Jake could be sweet all he wanted but he would always be the guy who hurt me...the guy who terrified me and broke my heart over and over again...and most of all...he would never be Sam, the guy who respected me...protected me...rescued me. I have decided to let go of my past with Jake, close that book for good, he couldn't be my friend, he couldn't be my anything. Jake doesn't agree.  We argued, but it was a civil argument, the violent Jake that used to terrify me was no longer present...we left the pavilion agreeing to disagree. Jake will always be a part of my past...but I am now only focused on the future...my future...hopefully with Sam.

*B is sitting on her bed writing in her journal when Nick peeks his head in her room*

(Nick) want some ice-cream?

(Bailey) no thanks....busy

(Nick) *cocks a brow* ok... *closes door*

(Bailey) *looks up* Nick....wait! *hops up and runs after Nick catching him in the hall*

(Nick) change your mind on the ice-cream?

(Bailey) no...I wrote another song...I was thinking I might just sing two of my own songs tomorrow but I wanted you to give me your opinion...and if it's good...maybe help me out with the arrangement?

(Nick) *cocks a brow* lemme see it

*B hands Nick her notebook and stands nervously biting her lip as he reads over her lyrics*

(Nick) *furrows brow* who is this song about?

(Bailey) Some of it is about Jake and some is about Sam...it sounds too bi-polar doesn't it...*sighs*

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