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-Bailey’s POV-

My feet carried me far away from our house, as if on autopilot I ran, a clear destination set, although consciously I had no idea where that destination might be. Entering into a part of town I had not been in years I slowed my pace to a walk; stepping up onto the curb I ran my fingers along the chain-link fences that seemed to outline almost every yard before stopping in front of a small little yellow house. Walking up the driveway and down a narrow space beside the garage and the neighbor’s fence, I made my way to the edge of the property that opened into a large wooded area. Even in the dark I had no trouble finding my way through the thick trees.  When we were little, before the fame and tours and all of that…we used to live here…in this tiny little house owned by the church where Dad preached. We didn’t have a lot of money…but I remember being very happy. I used to play out here in these woods every day. Coming to a stop I looked up into an old familiar tree; there perched on its sturdy sprawling branches was a fort where the boys and I had spent countless hours as kids, I smiled before climbing up the blocks of wood that were nailed into the tree and onto the platform. Leaning my back against the thick trunk that sprung from the center of the platform I pulled my knees up to my chest and tucked my head into my folded arms before letting the tears start to fall.

-10:45 PM Home-

(Mom) *on the phone* what do you mean you can’t do anything? Well I don’t care what it is LEGALLY considered, she has been missing for three hours now…Jim, you and Paul have been good friends for years…what if this was one of your girls? Thank you…yes…alright, goodbye. *hangs up and looks up at Joe and Miley with sad eyes*

(Joe) well? What did he say?

(Mom) he said she isn’t legally missing until she has been gone for 24 hours…but he said he would put the word out that she ran off and have everyone keep an eye out for her…there is nothing more they can do until she is considered missing.

(Joe) *perks up and turns to Miley* what about her phone? Call her!

(Mom) *cocks a brow* phone? What phone?

(Miley) *bites lip nervously* well… I kind of gave her a phone I added to my plan…before you say it, I know that she lost her phone privileges because she wasn’t acting responsible, and I know I shouldn’t have gone behind your back and given her one but…

(Mom) That’s perfect! Call her!

(Miley) *sighs* I can’t…She and Nick found out that Joe and I were dating and proceeded to torture us for keeping it secret so I took the phone…

(Mom) *eyes widen* piercings, smuggled cell phones, and now you two dating…is there anything else I should know?

(Joe) no, I think that about covers it…

(Mom) *sighs* alright, Dad will tackle the media fire later…right now we need to focus on finding Bailey…

(Joe) Mom, we already drove all over town looking, we stopped everywhere we could think of…I don’t know what else to tell you, until we have daylight so we can actually see…

(Mom) fine then, I will go out and look for her…you, in the meantime see if you can get some ideas out of Nicholas…

(Miley) I will go talk to him…

*Miley runs up the stairs and knocks quickly on Nick’s door before peeking her head in to find him playing his acoustic*

(Nick) *looks up at Miley before resuming to play* I don’t know where she is, and I don’t care

(Miley) *rolls eyes before walking in and closing the door, taking the guitar from Nick she sets it down out of reach before sitting down beside him* you and I both know that isn’t true…

(Nick) *sighs* …I am so sick and tired of being Bailey’s keeper, she is a big girl, she needs to learn to accept consequences for the stupid shit she does rather than always relying on me to keep her secrets. Just because I am her twin doesn’t automatically designate me to take care of her, I have myself to take care of and that is pretty much a full time job in itself so…

(Miley) why are you so upset? This can’t be all about Bailey…

(Nick) no, it’s about you too…

(Miley) Me? What did I do?

(Nick) have you seen the article?? It’s pictures of you both at that party…posing for pictures none the less…you showing off your belly ring…the article says the witness reported you both leaving the party completely inebriated and also mentioned Bailey’s belly button piercing as well…how could you both be so reckless? When will she realize that her actions affect ALL of us, not just her…

(Miley) *crosses arms over chest* so, this isn’t about Bailey as much as it is how this article made YOU look?

(Nick) NO, this is about Bailey and her bad behavior that has finally caught up with her, I am tired of having to lie all the time to everyone just to cover her butt, and yes, we are in the limelight, she is a Jonas, her actions affect all of us and its time she start thinking about someone other than herself and her immediate needs for once.

Chapter End Notes:

I think 15 years of B's shenannigans was all Nick could take before he finally cracked...

The Way I Loved You-WTLGD2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora