unWelcome Home

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-Bailey’s POV-

I was kept awake all night by my anxiety over the impending doom I would face when I got home. As disappointed as I was that it was not Nick to come and get me, I was happy to be heading home. I was exhausted. I had already started to drift off when Mom pulled into the driveway and turned off the ignition.

(Mom) Bailey, wake up baby girl, we are home

(Bailey) *Lazily opens her eyes and opens her door pouring herself out of the car* tired…

(Mom) well, you can sleep when you get inside…after you take that thing out of your bellybutton

(Bailey) *groan* can I please keep it? I promise to keep it covered; you will never even see it

(Mom) No

(Bailey) Pleeeeease Mom

(Mom) Bailey Nichole, you are in no position to negotiate with me, go straight inside and take it out or I will take it out for you am I understood?

(Bailey) *groan* Yes Ma’am

*B walks inside to see Joe, Miles, Kevin, Dani, and Sam all crashed on the couches and walks up to her room*

-Bailey’s Inner Monologue-

This sucks so bad. I had just gotten past this annoying itchy stage with this belly ring and now I have to take it out…what a waste…I walked into my room and grabbed some pajama pants from my drawer before tossing my jeans to the side and slipping them on. Unwillingly I unscrewed the ball off the top of my belly ring and slipped it out taking a sharp breath as the metal scraped against my tender skin. I scoffed in frustration before tossing it into the trashcan next to the counter and cleaned the piercing before retreating to my bed for some much needed rest.

No sooner had I crawled into bed that my door opened and in popped a curly head. Closing my eyes, I faked sleep until the door creaked open wider and someone entered.

(Nick) *snarky* Welcome back fugitive

(Bailey) get out; you hate me or don’t you remember?

(Nick) I just wanted to let you know that just because I told mom where to find you doesn’t mean that I have forgiven you, I haven’t. As far as I am concerned you don’t deserve it.

(Bailey) Are you done?

(Nick) For now, just know that from now on things between us are going to be different. We may be twins but that doesn’t mean I have your back. I am done being your cohort in crime.

*Nick leaves slamming the door. B sobs into her pillow until the door opens again. This time, someone crawls in the bed before wrapping an arm around B in a hug*

(Miley) it’s going to be ok B.

(Bailey) *shaking head* It’s not. I’ve never seen him like this before . . . and believe me I’ve seen it all. He hates me Miles.

(Miley) He doesn’t hate you. He loves you and deep down he’s just as relieved as the rest of us that you’re home safe. He is just pissed off, just give him a few days and he’ll come around.

(Bailey) And if he doesn’t?

(Miley) Well I guess we’ll burn that bridge when we get there. I’ll talk to him. He seems to be having an internal struggle between wanting to protect you and wanting to strangle you for the stupid things you’ve done. I think you might have pushed his buttons a few too many times and he wants to teach you a lesson, maybe he’s thinking that by letting you fall, you’ll finally learn.

(Bailey) learning a lesson I am fine with, its falling and him never being there to catch me again that scares me.

(Miley) things will work out B, trust me. Get some rest.

Chapter End Notes:

Twin smackdowns make me uncomfortable...someone please stop them from fighting....oh wait...*smirks*

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