Treehouse Retrieval

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-Mom’s POV-

As I made my way across town to our old neighborhood, my heart was racing in anticipation. She had to be there, we had already looked everywhere else. Dear God, please let her be there I repeated as I rounded the corner onto our old street. Pulling into our old drive, I practically flew out of the car and made my way toward the wooded area behind the house. Please let her be here, please let her be here, please let her be here. There was once a cleared path through these woods leading straight to where the kids had their treehouse, it had since grown over, in fact it didn’t appear anyone had played out here since we moved,I walked with purpose through the heavy trees and overgrown weeds coming to a stop at a familiar tree, I had many a time found myself at the base of this tree, calling for the kids to come down. They had spent most of their childhood in this very treehouse, all summer long, before and after school, I practically had to threaten them down most nights. I smiled remembering my almost daily threat… ‘Don’t make me climb up there…you won’t be happy if I do’….and here I was again, only this time, I was goin’ up. Securing my footing on the first rung nailed to the tree I grabbed onto the one above my head and pulled myself up, making my way up the seven rungs before peeking my head up through the floor of the treehouse, I had to refrain from letting out a squeal of uber proportions when I saw Bailey curled up sleeping, her eyes cracking open as she heard me climb onto the platform.

(Bailey) *sits up pulling her knees to her chest* How did you find me?

(Mom) *small smile* Nick…

(Bailey) *nods* but he didn’t come…

(Mom) no…it’s just me

(Bailey) *sad* He hates me

(Mom) *crawls over and sits next to B* he doesn’t hate you sweetie…he is upset, you two will work it out, you always do.

*B tucks her head into her arms and she and Mom sit silently for a couple minutes*

(Bailey) *untucks her head* on a scale of one to ten…how much trouble am I in?

(Mom) it only goes to ten? *smirks and bumps shoulders with B*

(Bailey) *groans* yea…that’s kind of what I figured

(Mom)*sighs* Did you really pierce your bellybutton?

*B shrugs and says nothing*

(Mom) Bailey Nichole! What on earth were you thinking?

(Bailey) I dunno…I was thinking …oooh shiny…I want it

(Mom) *shakes head in disapproval* let me see it

(Bailey) Why?

(Mom) Bailey…now

*B sighs in defeat before raising her shirt and showing Mom her piercing*

(Mom) You are taking that thing out as soon as you get home

(Bailey) What?! Why? It’s perfectly legal in Jersey for a minor to get a piercing without parental consent!

(Mom) it may very well be legal in Jersey, but it is not legal in our house to go behind our backs and do something you know we do not approve of…

(Bailey) it’s my body!

(Mom) not while you live at home it’s not, while you live with us you will follow our rules, if you want to get tatted up or pierced when you move out that is your decision, in the meantime, consider that body on loan until it is paying its own rent and bills.

(Bailey) *sighs in defeat* Yes, Ma’am

(Mom) Now, that covers the piercing…let’s discuss you sneaking out to a party and drinking while Daddy and I were in New York and we left Kevin in charge *cocks a brow*

(Bailey) I’m sorry...

(Mom) You should be sorry, you LIED to Kevin and took advantage of the fact that he was in charge. If Daddy and I can’t trust you to behave when we aren’t around , how can we be expected to trust you with a car?

(Bailey) You can’t...

(Mom) And Miley spilled the beans about your illegal cell phone that she took from you because you and Nick found out about her and Joe dating. The reason you didn’t have a cell phone in the first place is because you weren’t being responsible with it.

(Bailey) *shocked* is there ANYTHING you don’t know?

(Mom) I’m the mom Bailey, I know all. How that still surprises you I’ll never know.

(Bailey) I’m sorry. I know you’re disappointed and Nick is so upset. I always put him in a position where he has to lie to cover for me. I’m going to try to change and be more of the person you raised me to be.

(Mom) as much as that speech makes me happy, you’re still grounded.  You do not know how sick with worry I’ve been since you stormed out of the house last night, don’t you ever do that again do you understand me?

(Bailey) *nods* Yes Ma’am…I honestly thought Nick would be out here as soon as he cooled off and I would go back home and face the music…but after about two hours I realized he wasn’t coming…that he didn’t want to find me...then I just kinda didn’t feel like moving to be honest.

(Mom) Nick is stubborn, I’ll give you that. He’s angry at you B but you two will work things out; you always do.

(Bailey) *shakes head* It’s different this time, he finally has had enough of me and my crap…it was bound to happen

 (Mom) Well, you guys had a good run…it was nice while it lasted… *smirks*

(Bailey) you aren’t funny…

(Mom) I’m hilarious; you will appreciate my wit someday.  Come on let’s get you home. I’m sure you’re hungry and in need of sleep, I know I am.

*B nods and her and mom make their way out of the clubhouse and toward the car waiting in the driveway*

(Bailey) *climbs into the passenger side seat before leaning over and Hugging mom* I love you, I’m sorry for making you worry.

(Mom) I love you too sweetie, I am just so thankful that you are safe. I've been out of my mind with worry...

 (Bailey) *sighs* Mom, when Sam and I get married, I hope we don’t have a girl like me.

 (Mom) Well I’m pretty sure that’s genetically impossible Bailey, but I wish you the best of luck with that. *smirks*

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