Family Meeting

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-25 minutes later-

*Kevin, B, Nick, Mom, and Dad are all sitting at the table for the family meeting*

(Dad) where is Joseph?

(Mom) I’m not sure, he knew about the meeting

(Nick) I think he and Miley ran out to get something, he said he would be back for the meeting, they should be here any minute.

(Dad) Alright, well, he will just have to catch up when he decides to grace us with his presence…we have a few issues to discuss…

(Mom) the first thing I would like to discuss is why you have decided not to accept your sisters apology *looks at Kevin*

(Kevin) Mom, this is not the first time that B has taken advantage of the fact that I was in charge and gone off sneaking around doing something she wasn’t allowed to do…I’m not the only one here that kinda feels like this was just the last straw. B is my sister, I love her and I always will, but right now, I’m just not ready to accept an apology from her…it doesn’t seem like enough to me to be honest.

(Mom) what other time has Bailey taken advantage of you being in charge?

*Mom and Dad’s eyes turn to Bailey*

(Kevin) I don’t know…I can’t think of something specific, I’m just sayin…

(Mom) uh-huh…well, as descriptive as that was, I still think that you two need to work it out.

(Dad) Now, for the main reason for this family meeting…the story that was released about Bailey…

*Miley and Joe walk in interrupting Dad*

(Miley) I have a solution to your little PR problem

*Mom and Dad both look at eachother and then back to Miley*

(Mom) we are listening…

*Miley opens a bag and pulls out a bellybutton ring and holds it up proudly*

(Dad) what is that?

(Miley) it’s a bellybutton ring

*Dad looks up at Miley confused*

(Mom) Miley, honey, that bellybutton ring is what started this whole mess in the first place

(Miley) Ah, yes, but this is a FAKE bellybutton ring…

(Dad) ok…and this is a solution…how?

(Miley) Bailey actually gave me the idea earlier when we were talking…She said all this trouble was going on over her supposed piercing…which she no longer had…the thing is, the article showed Bailey and I together at the party and clearly showed my piercing but hers was never pictured. There is no photo evidence to back up anything that was said about B, at this point it is all supposed hearsay. So, why not do a PR web chat…show B and her “supposed” piercing…that we can reveal is obviously fake…with no evidence to prove anything else in the article is real the rest should simply fade away…it’s not a PR issue for me to have a piercing, in fact my fans ate it up with a spoon…not to mention the very fact that I was pictured with B meant I was hanging out with Jonai again and  as far as the rumor mill is concerned Niley is reunited…which not only benefits Nick and Livie by covering their possible PR fire relationship but also covers Joe and I as well….two birds…or three birds for that matter.

(Dad) That is so simple…it just might work…

(Miley) of course it will…the fans want to hear that I am the rebel, they crave it…they are totally obsessed with the idea of Niley back together…and the good girl/bad girl pairing of B and I is yet another fan favorite. It will work, trust me.

(Dad) so when do you think we should do the video chat?

(Miley) I'd say the sooner the better but that's up to you

(Dad)*nods* I'll schedule the chat as soon as possible ...we'll market it as Miley and B chat...the ubers will go nuts! *jots something down on a notebook* Alright...

(Nick) So…let me just make sure I am understanding you…the solution we have come up with is to lie and you think this is a good idea?

(Miley) it’s not a lie…the article says B has a piercing…which she no longer has…we are simply taking advantage of that fact to make it look like she never did…

(Nick) right…so…lie

(Dad) From a PR standpoint Nicholas sometimes you have to fight fire with fire…the articles that are written are usually only fragments of truth at best…they show their version of the truth, we show ours, we let the fans decide what to believe…an article or a live chat they see with their own eyes…my bets on the live chat…the idea is actually genius

(Nick) wow Bailey, you should be a professional liar *sarcastic*

(Bailey) *sarcastic* oooooh do you think I could make good money

*Nick rolls his eyes*

(Dad) Alright, this is something I would like to touch on as well, *gesturing toward the twins* generally, when someone says they're sorry and genuinely means it, it is customary for the other person to accept that apology. I am not saying that you have no right to be angry with your sister, her actions lately certainly warrant it. That being said, anger is a powerful demon that, if you let it, has the ability to consume you. I know that your mother and I have taught you all about respect, kindness, and forgiveness…those acts should be extended to your family as well as to others.

*Dad glares at the boys over his glasses, the boys all nod silently avoiding eye contact*

(Dad) alright you all can go, Bailey, I would like you to stay, we need to talk.

*The boys and Miley stand from the table and disperse through the house leaving B with Mom and Dad*

(Bailey) Doesn't Nick have to stay, he's my shadow

(Dad) I am making an exception on his shadowing, this lecture does not concern him . . .


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