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-After the movie-

*B gets up without a word and walks into the media room shutting the door behind her*

(Nick) *sighs* I’ll go talk to her…

(Sam) Nah, its ok…I got it *gets up and walks into the media room taking a seat beside B on the couch* Cheer up Babe…

(Bailey) how can you sit there and tell me to cheer up? Arent you going to miss me?

(Sam) Of course I will miss you, but its not for another month…there is no need to start getting bummed about it now and waste the time we do have together, besides, you heard Joe, this won’t be like the last tour, this one is with a bunch of other performers, maybe even some girls for you to hang out with.

(Bailey) I don’t want to hang out with other performers this summer, I want to hang out with you…

(Sam) so hang out with me…I mean, as long as its ok with your parents I will be able to visit you a lot more on tour because its summer and I won’t have to worry about missing school.

(Bailey) *small smile* really? Why don’t you just do the whole tour with us?

(Sam) yea, I doubt my parents…or yours would go for that…

(Bailey) What? You don’t think I can work my ways and convince my parents to let you come on tour?

(Sam) No usually when *air quotes* ‘your ways’ are involved you end up grounded.

(Bailey) *whines* Sam you have to come, I'm going to be miserable without you. When I get miserable I get mouthy and we both know it’s just all downhill after that.

(Sam) Well, learn to watch your mouth because if you get grounded on tour your parents will be less likely to allow me to come visit you.

(Bailey) Oh please…I have one month before we leave…I am going to be way too consumed with soaking in boyfriend time to learn how to watch my mouth…

(Sam) I have complete and utter faith you'll be just fine on the road without me.

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* Did you really just hear yourself? You have complete and utter faith that I'll keep myself out of trouble? I can hardly keep myself out of trouble for a week let alone an entire tour.

(Sam) Just try your hardest . . . for me. I think I might curl up and die if I can't see you for an entire tour. At least you'll have the tour to keep your mind occupied . . . Jersey without you is pretty dull, although I’m fairly certain my dad is making me get a job this summer.

(Bailey) that’s perfect!

(Sam) What’s perfect?

(Bailey) you can be a runner! *smiles* why didn’t I think of that before…it’s perfect!

(Sam) what are you babbling about?

(Bailey) You need a summer job and I need you on tour…two birds! My dad can hire you to be a runner.

(Sam) whats a runner?

(Bailey) ya know…what Izzy did…

(Sam) she did something other than fight with Nick and blame you for their relationship problems?

(Bailey) *smiles* I …love…you, yes, when she wasn’t being a complete bitch she was a runner…she also was their personal trainer of sorts and minor boo-boo management.

(Sam) *chuckles* boo-boo management?

(Bailey) you laugh…if it didn’t mess up his hair we would probably make Joe wear a helmet the entire tour…he has no fear…he is constantly hurting himself…

(Sam) so what does a runner do exactly?

(Bailey) in a nutshell? Run errands…like grocery trips, food runs, confirming venues, confirming riders…stuff like that

(Sam) I want to be a rider…that sounds less labor intensive than a runner…

(Bailey) *giggles* a rider is a list of demands dork

(Sam) demands?

(Bailey) well, strongly requested items to be at the venues and hotels where we stay to meet our needs…

(Sam) and the venues just provide them with the stuff on the list?

(Bailey) yup, usually…of course our rider consists of mainly water, diet coke, chocolate, and candy so it’s not like it’s hard to fill…

(Sam) Does your rider include anything else?

(Bailey) On occasion it'll include something special . . .I attempted to add you to it a few times last tour.

(Sam) *smirks* you tried to rider me.

(Joe) Uhh…well, this conversation sounds highly inappropriate.

(Bailey) *rolls her eyes* Ok MOM…this is an A B conversation so please C your way out.

(Sam) Dang bringing back the 90s! Very nice McFly!

(Joe) Very mature…but seriously…what did I walk in on? Do we need to have that super uncomfortable talk again…

(Bailey) GAH! No…I was telling Sam about RIDERS…I want him to be a runner for this tour

(Joe) ohhhhh…yea, that’s WAY less gross than what I thought I heard…

(Bailey) can I help you? I’m trying to talk to Sam…

(Joe) no, you are trying to scheme with Sam…and you should know by now that scheming always works better when more people are involved…MEANING…you should probably get us in on it if you wanna convince Mom and Dad to hire your boyfriend…but since I’m not wanted *turns and walks out the door*

(Bailey) JOE! WAIT!

(Joe) *pops his head back in the room and smirks* yeeeeesss?

(Bailey) does that mean you will help me convince Mom and Dad to hire Sam?

(Sam) I don’t even know if my parents will go for this yet…

(Bailey) *shushes Sam* details…

(Joe) perhaps…

(Bailey) *sighs* what do you want?

(Joe) *smirks* take my laundry and dishes duty till tour

(Sam) dude…

(Joe) limited time offer….

(Bailey) on one condition…

(Joe) you are not in the position to be naming conditions…

(Bailey) convince Kevin to go along…he won’t talk to me…

(Joe) no problem…I’ll just offer to do his laundry and dish duty till tour

(Bailey) but I’m doing your laundry and dish duty….

(Joe) exactly *smirks*

(Bailey) *sighs* fine, deal

(Joe) pleasure doing business with you *walks out*

(Sam) why do I feel like you just sold your soul

(Bailey) *shrugs* worth it if it means we convince Mom and Dad to hire you

(Sam) and if my parents say no…then what? You’ve done all those dishes and laundry for nothing…

(Bailey) well, we are just going to have to make sure they don’t say no

(Sam) you sound awfully confident in your abilities to convince my parents…

(Bailey) I’m totally cute…who could resist me?

(Sam) *smiles* good point

Chapter End Notes:

This chapter is dedicated to Kristal, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

this tour...could *SMIRK*

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