A Night Songs Are Written About

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Growing up in a family of musicians you start to think of life's happenings in song form.  If you think about your favorite song, most likely it is your favorite because you can relate to it in some way. Most likely it is a song about love, or a breakup, because let's be honest, those two topics are the most commonly written about. Why? Because everyone on the planet has either been in love, or had their heart broken at some point in their life, they are topics that touch people on a raw level. Maybe it's the fact that the massive storm to hit Jersey has knocked out the power and we are all hanging out by candlelight, maybe it's the fact that Miley and I just walked upstairs and busted Nick and Livie kissing OR maybe it's the fact that in candlelight Sam looks even more like a Greek God than usual...whatever the case, I see a song being written about tonight.

*Miley turns and storms down the stairs, Nick quickly chases after her. Bailey grabs Livie by the arm and pulls her into her room*

(Bailey) I cannot believe you two kissed! What the heck! How long has this been going on?! Why aren't you talking!

(Olivia) well if you would shut up for 30 seconds maybe I could!

*B crosses her arms and waits for Livie's response*

(Bailey) ok....go

(Olivia) ok, I came up here to pee ...

(Bailey) skip the filler get to the details

(Olivia) *sigh* I heard Nick playing his acoustic in his room so I walked in, him and Miley were fighting about something else...AGAIN so we started talking and...I dunno, it just kind of...happened.

(Bailey) This is bad Livie...really bad

(Olivia) *scoffs* says the girl that was making out with her EX at the movie theater

(Bailey) *frowls* why don't you say that a little louder, I'm not sure that Sam heard you downstairs...besides that's different!

(Olivia) Nick and Miley are breaking up, everyone here knows that, and I'm single and coincidentally have been in love with Nick for years so...

(Bailey) Oh my God, you are seriously trying to justify being "the other woman" to me? Whether or not they are GOING to break up or not, which now I'm sure they will, is beside the point...they are still together Livie!

(Olivia) why are you so angry with me? You told me the other day that you wished that Nick and I were together, then we kiss and you freak out!

(Bailey) Yea because I know what it is like to walk into a room and see your boyfriend cheating on you with another girl, it sucks Livie!

(Olivia) hey, Nick was the one who kissed me, I was just the innocent bystander and YOU are hardly the one to be giving me a lecture! *storms out of B's room*

*B storms out to go after Livie and runs into Sam in the hall*

(Sam) is everything ok up here? I heard fighting

(Bailey) this is THE worst monthaversary ever *frustrated* why can't we be at your house in the candlelight instead of here, I hate this...

(Sam) Hey, it doesn't matter where we are, I'm fine with hanging out here...

*Sam puts his hands on B's hips and backs her against the wall capturing her lips with his, she immediately melts into the kiss forgetting why she was so mad and  opens her lips to allow his tongue to explore her mouth. Sam's hands move to the hem of B's shirt pushing it up enough to run his hand along her flat stomach. B growls into the kiss and grabs a fist full of Sam's shirt pulling him into her room.*

(Sam) *whispers against B's lips* what are you doing?

(Bailey) *smirks* isn't it obvious...*leads Sam back to her bed and pushes him to sit down before sitting down straddling his lap and brings her lips back to his*

(Sam) *groans* Bailey...

(Bailey) *shushes Sam* just kiss me...we haven't even gotten to kiss with everyone around *grabs Sam's bottom lip between her teeth biting lightly*

*Sam groans before latching onto B's neck nipping and kissing bringing his hands around her back letting his hands run under the hem of her shirt lightly gliding his fingers along the exposed skin, B let's out an "mmmm" in approval. Sam's hands start to slide farther up B's shirt. Suddenly B's door flies open and B jumps off Sam's lap. Nick walks in and stands in front of Sam his eyes narrow and he clenches his jaw before turning his attention to B, grabbing her by the hand and pulling her out the door to his room*

(Nick) *shuts his door and steps up in B's face narrowing his eyes* what. was. that. ?

(Bailey) *changes subject* I can't believe you kissed Livie! *steps back*

(Nick)*steps closer* B...

(Bailey) *steps back* what were you thinking!

(Nick) *steps closer* BAILEY...

(Bailey) we were kissing!...ya know, like you and Livie were *snarky*

(Nick) *rubs the back of his neck* His hands...

(Bailey) *steps up into Nicks face* just stay out of it NICHOLAS...you are hardly one to be lecturing me on morals right now *pushes past Nick and walks out of his room*

Chapter End Notes:

Let the skittles begin....

The Way I Loved You-WTLGD2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum