No Age Restrictions

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*B and Miley are laying on the floor in the media room pigging out on candy at having girl talk*

(Bailey) Don’t get me wrong, I know that you and Nick don’t really mesh well when it comes to the whole being a couple thing, and I love that he is with Livie now, no offense, but for selfish reasons I love when you two were together because it meant we got to see eachother a lot…

(Miley) *laughs* we will still see eachother a lot…

(Bailey) you say that but when you two aren’t a couple there isn’t really that pull for you to come visit…which just leaves when we are in LA which is usually for tour promo or whatever.

(Miley) Well, I plan to change that, I hope to be spending a lot more time here, my little forced sabbatical made me realize how much I really miss you guys

(Bailey) *smiles* promise?

(Miley) I promise…*pops a circus peanut into her mouth* yum, these things are really good!

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* you’ve NEVER had those before?

(Miley) no…I had no idea what you were talking about earlier when you were listing off candy to get, Joe had to show me what they were.

(Bailey) You poor deprived international popstar…

(Miley) *pops another circus peanut into her mouth* We should do something

(Bailey) *takes a bite of a twizzler* we are doing something….

(Miley) *rolls her eyes* Something else…we can’t just sit here and eat candy all night long

(Bailey) sure we can, I do it all the time

(Miley) *giggles and shakes her head* let’s go to a movie…

(Bailey) whats playing? And how would we get there?

(Miley) who cares what is playing, I am sure there is something we will like…and Joe will take us

(Bailey) HA! Don’t be so sure of that, he isn’t exactly keen on the idea of being my personal chauffer

(Miley) He won’t care, I’ll convince Joe to take us, you convince your mom to let us go…

(Bailey) deal…good luck with that…

*Miley runs upstairs and B walks into the kitchen to talk to mom*

(Bailey) Hey Mom…

(Mom) Hey Daughter…

(Bailey) *smiles* can Miles and I go to a movie?

(Mom) what movie?

(Bailey) *shrugs* we don’t know yet, I’m sure there is something playing that we will like.

(Mom) *cocks a brow* nothing R rated…

(Bailey) no, I know…

(Mom) and how do you plan on getting to this movie that you have not decided on?

(Bailey) Joe…

(Mom) he agreed to take you?

(Bailey) well….no not yet…but Miles is asking him…

(Mom) this doesn’t sound like a very well thought out plan Bailey…

(Bailey) well, I didn’t want to make plans until I knew if we could go…

(Mom) fair enough, if Joe can take you and pick you up then see no reason why you can’t go

(Bailey) *hops over and kisses mom on the cheek* thanks mom!

*Miles and Joe come tumbling down the stairs, Miley with a huge grin on her face*

(Miley) Joe is going to take us

(Bailey) *surprised* wow, that was fast, I figured you would need more convincing…

(Joe) *shrugs* you act like I’m this big jerk that refuses to take you places

(Bailey) but, you DO refuse to take me places…in fact the last time I asked you to take me somewhere you told me you weren’t my chauffer

(Joe) because you woke me up…

(Bailey) It was like noon!

(Joe) do you want me to take you or not?

(Bailey) *smiles sweetly* yes

(Joe) *rolls eyes* then your response SHOULD BE….ohhhhhh Thank you Joe, I love you so much, you are the BEST brother with the most awesome hair….

*B cocks a brow*

(Joe) well, ya know…that last part is implied…but still…

*B walks up and throws her arms around Joe’s neck dramatically pulling him into a hug*

(Bailey) *dramatic* Ohhhhhhhhh thank you Joseph, I love you so much, you are the bestest big brother any girl could ask for

(Joe) *smiles* there, was that so hard


 (Movie Clerk) Sorry, that show is sold out

(Miley) *sighs* well, can we sit on the floor or something?

(Movie Clerk) Sorry, we cant do that…fire hazard

(Miley) Alright, thank you… *Grabs B by the sleeve and pulls her away*

(Bailey) Is he serious??

(Miley) Its fine, we will find something else to do

(Bailey) Like what??? This is Jersey not L.A. Miles…I can’t believe that guy wouldn’t sell us tickets…yer Miley Frickin Cyrus…does being an international pop star not count for anything anymore?

(Miley) *giggles* I’m sure we kind find something to do in Jersey… *hooks arms with B and pulls her down the sidewalk*

(Bailey) maybe we should just call Joe and have him come pick us back up…

(Miley) don’t be ridiculous, we wanted to get out and do something fun and I intend on us doing just that…

(Bailey) ok well besides the movies there really isn’t much open here at this hour so…

(Miley) *stops walking and a big smile plays on her lips* I have an idea…

(Bailey) uh-oh…I’m afraid to ask…

(Miley) come on…*pulls B into the local tattoo parlor*

(Bailey) are you INSANE? You can’t get a tattoo…

(Miley) and why not?

(Bailey) because you are only 15 for starters…

(Miley) *leans over and grabs the attention of a large tattood man behind the counter* excuse me… how old do you have to be to get a tattoo?

(Tattood man) There are no age restrictions in Jersey

(Miley) *cocks a brow* so…I could get a tattoo without parental consent if I wanted to?

(Tattood man) No age restrictions on tattoos or body piercing in Jersey, as long as you have the money no parental consent is required.

(Miley) oh…money is no problem…

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