Boys are Confusing

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(Bailey POV)

I laid in my bed for only a few minutes before falling back asleep and catching up on some rest that I had been missing out on since Peanut entered the scene; I awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing in the drawer beside my bed and quickly retrieved it hoping it was Sam. As I stared down at the name on my phone my eyes widened with shock.

(sMiLey text) I need to talk to you…

I had not received even so much as a text from Miles since her breakup with Nick and I was completely at a loss as to why. It’s not like they went through a messy breakup, certainly nothing warranting freezing us out for a month, besides, Nick and Miles are like polar magnets…they are continually drawn back to each other, even if just as friends, it was just plain weird that we hadn’t heard from her in so long, then there was the whole 7 things video scandal that I still could not figure out. I sat and stared at the text unsure of how to respond when my bedroom door opened, I quickly shoved my phone under the pillow as Livie walked in holding Peanut.

(Olivia) Oh good! You are awake…do me a favor…hold this *hands Peanut to B*

(Bailey) With pleasure! *coos at Peanut*

(Olivia) would you mind watching her for a few minutes while a grab a quick shower?

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* you mean Nick isn’t insisting on holding her?

(Olivia) Nick left a long time ago….I assume to go make nice with Sam 'cause he morphed back to normal after breakfast and felt like utter shit for being an ass.

(Bailey) good! He should feel like shit, what did he say to Sam anyway?

(Olivia) it wasn’t really what he said…it was how he said it…you know how grumpy he was…

(Bailey) what did he say?

(Olivia) he told Sam about the night you two broke up…about you running to his house in the storm

(Bailey) *confused* o…k… so why was Sam mad? I don’t understand

(Olivia) I don’t think he was mad…he just seemed really shocked…I dunno that is something  you will have to talk to Sam about…I’m going to go hop in the shower I seriously smell…

(Bailey) *giggles* yes, please do…

(Olivia) you got this? *gestures to Peanut*

(Bailey) we are good…we’re just gunna chill and badmouth boys while you are gone…

(Olivia) sounds like a plan…I will hurry

(Bailey) take your time Liv, we are fine…

(Olivia) *sigh* I love you both *kisses Peanut then B on the forehead before walking out*

*B sits Indian style on her bed and puts her pillow in her lap laying Peanut down, her feet resting against B’s stomach*

(Bailey) So how is life Peanut?

*B’s phone buzzes with text and B quickly checks the text*

(sMiLeY text) I can explain…

(Bailey) *sighs* what do I do Peanut? I mean, its Miles…she is like family, and I know she hasn’t so much as called or texted in over a month but she says she can explain…

*Peanut grunts and kicks her feet*

(Bailey) *smiles* you’re right….if she wants to explain she shouldn’t do it through text…

*Peanut grunts again and yawns*

(Bailey) goodness you are cute…no wonder Nick has a baby crush…

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