7 Things...

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Day 14 without you...I'm not strong enough...

Every morning I wake up and it's like I've lost you all over again. My heart breaks over and over and I am left with this constant ache that I can't seem to shake. I wonder if you are feeling the same way...I wonder if you think of me at all...if you miss me at all. I'm not even sure if you read these letters, I hope you do...I realize now that you were my strength, my rescuer...without you I am weak and lost.

*Nick busts in through Baileys door looking heated*

(Nick) UNBELIEVABLE! Have you seen it?

(Bailey) *sets journal down* seen what? When did you get back? I thought you guys weren't due back till late...

(Nick) yea well we cut the trip short so Dad could do some damage control, seeing as how it's all anyone was asking about... *dials phone and then hangs up with a growl*

(Bailey) damage control? For what? Who are you calling?

(Nick) *dials phone again, waits until a voicemail picks up then hangs up again*  Dammit!!

(Bailey) NICK! FOCUS!

(Nick) Miley's new video released today....

(Bailey) for 7 things? Sweet!

(Nick) NOT sweet! *grabs B's laptop and googles video* she used it to slam me

(Bailey) Oh please Nicky...no one knows it's about you

(Nick) oooh but they do now, she used this new drummer for the video...one with longer curly hair...that they don't even show except for a shadow on the wall....one guess who that looks like

(Bailey) so what...a shadow looks like you

(Nick) yea...and then they never show his face...just him shaking his curls every once in a while....he is wearing my fucking shirt!

(Bailey) what? Nu-uh!

(Nick) yea...one she stole one time to wear...he is frickin wearing it

(Bailey) ok...so...even so, no one is going to make that connection

(Nick) oh no? Did I mention she is wearing a diabetic medical alert tag and she holds a friggin picture of me up?

(Bailey) WHAT??

(Nick) yea! I mean my face is covered but everyone is assuming...she not only  pretty much confirmed to the world that we were dating but then used it as her own little fuck you message *pushes play on laptop*

*B watches video while Nick dials his phone again*

*B watches video while Nick dials his phone again*

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(Bailey) *video ends* wow....

(Nick) *screams into receiver* QUIT IGNORING MY CALLS AND PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE *hangs up*

(Bailey) *hops up and grabs Nick's phone* Ok....first of all...calm down...you can't see your face in the pic...the most you can see is your shirt...and no one is going to know that is your tee shirt on the drummer...in fact no one is going to notice the drummer thing at all...it's a shadow on the wall and Miles is standing there in a mini dress...

(Nick) and the medical alert tag? What about that?

(Bailey) ok that one was pretty blatant...but everything will be ok...

(Nick) every gossip magazine and radio station out there right now thinks I am this big jerk...they are bringing up those leaked photos of her again and putting two and two together...we had to cancel three interviews today because of it.

(Bailey) Dad will take care of it...just...calm down...I'll be right back...*walks out*

*B walks downstairs and finds Kevin and Joe sitting at the counter, Mom is in the kitchen cooking, Dad is on the phone pacing in the media room*

(Joe) did you see it?

(Bailey) *grabs water from the fridge and Nicks meter from his satchel on the counter* yea...Nick is freaking out

(Joe) He should be...

(Bailey) *cocks a brow* shut up Joseph!

(Mom) hey! Enough! Bailey upstairs...Joseph...zip it, you aren't helping.

*B runs upstairs and hands Nick his kit and a bottle of water*

(Nick) *sighs* predicting a high?

(Bailey) *shrugs* you are a bit hulk smash...

(Nick) *tests* yea, because of Miley and this fucking video attack of hers *BEEP BEEP* *Growls and opens the bottle of water before chugging*

(Bailey) I'll save the I told you so for later... *grabs her cell out of the drawer and sends a text*

(Nick) who are you texting?

(Bailey) Miles...

(Nick) send her this for me *flips off phone*

(Bailey) yea, cause that's all we need is a leaked pic of you out there flippin the bird....drink your water

Chapter End Notes:

annnnnnd now the majority of you will go watch the video because of this chapter....its like I KNOW you *snickers* Here...I'll even put it here for you to make it easy.

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