Spill It

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*Nick is sitting on the couch watching SportsCenter when Mom and Dad walk in*

(Dad) Hello Son, how did everything go?

(Nick) *shrugs* fine, I hung out with Peanut all night….Livie just picked her up not too long ago…I already hate that job

(Dad) I thought Livie said she would only be there for a couple hours…

(Nick) yea well, that wasn’t the case, like I said, I already hate that job

(Mom) where is your shadow?

(Nick) *cocks a brow* I assume you are talking about B…she is upstairs with Miles

(Mom) then you should be upstairs as well, you are still grounded to her until further notice

(Nick) *scoffs* Mom, we already made nice, is that really necessary? I’ve spent the last 6 hours changing diapers, doing the baby bounce, and being drooled and spit up on…I just wanna watch tv

(Mom) then I suggest you convince your sister to move her activities downstairs, you are shadowing eachother until I tell you differently

(Nick) *groans and turns off the tv frustrated* fine

(Mom) don’t get an attitude, Nicholas.

(Nick) I’m not, Mother.

*Nick runs up the stairs and walks into B’s room to find B and Miley sitting on the floor painting their toenails*

(Bailey) hello Nicholas

(Nick) Mom and Dad are home, Mom is already pissing me off…

(Bailey) *excited* Did Dad say whether or not Sam can go on tour?? And what did she do?

(Nick) He didn’t say…I JUST sat down and flipped on SportsCenter and she walks in and tells me I am still grounded to you and to get upstairs…

(Bailey) there could be worse punishments …I am a pretty fun girl

(Nick) no, I know, I don’t care about that…she is just on my nerves…what are you guys doing

(Miley) we are having a slumber party, right now we are working on mani/pedi’s

(Nick) So I guess this means I get my nails painted again

(Miley) again? Awww man! When did I miss him getting his nails done?

(Bailey) we had a slumber party before they left for last tour

(Miley) pick a color pretty boy

(Nick) *sighs * I think I will go with blue . . . I don't think I'll be able to sport the neon  as well as you.

(Bailey) I disagree, I think you could rock the lime green.

(Nick) Um . . . no.

(Bailey) *rolls eyes* whatever party pooper, So where were we on the gossip?

(Miley) *smirks* I was just going to tell you about how Joe and I got together.

(Nick) Seriously? Can you maybe postpone this conversation until I'm ungrounded from Bailey?

(Bailey) No way!  I've been waiting for this story for a long time… so…when did it happen?

(Miley) the night of the storm…

(Nick) *scoffs* you mean the day we broke up?

(Miley) yes Nicholas, you remember, it was the same night you hooked up with Livie *snarky*

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