"Amaterasu-chan, it's me!" came a familiar voice. Kannon sat up and looked at me with surprise in her eyes, neither of us expecting Yukata of all people.

"O-Oh! Just a second!" Before I could get up, Kannon had already leapt to her feet and bounded towards the door, swinging it open to reveal a meek Yukata on the other side. I was mostly surprised by her choice of clothing- straying from her usual skirt, stockings and shirt, today she wore a light blue yukata, befitting of her name.

"Hey, Yukata!" I exclaimed, startled by her sudden appearance. I hadn't seen her since she had last been in hospital. "What's the special occasion?"


Yukata smiled, walking in and shutting the door behind her. 

"Nothing, I just felt like wearing something light," she explained. "I know that you said I wouldn't need to work this month, but I figured that with the birth coming up and Kannon being your support person, that you'd need a babysitter for Ayumi for the night. I may or may not be scrounging for more money."

At that, Kannon and I both gasped, and I clasped a hand to my forehead. Now that was something that had slipped our minds. Yukata's words made sense, though- I couldn't have a fucking toddler in the room while I was in labour.

"Ah, shit," groaned Kannon, rubbing her temples in anguish. "That's right! I was going to ask Kankuro or one of the others, but I figured they're busy and forgot to find someone else... of course, if it's okay with you, Yukata, we'd love to have you look after Ayumi for the night..."

"It should be okay as well, because there's a family room nearby where you can stay with Ayumi," I added, thankful for Yukata's sudden appearance. "Just for the night. Is that okay with you?"

Yukata smiled sincerely, nodding her head with an air of enthusiasm.

"Of course! I've missed her too- Ayumi, remember me?"

With that, Yukata leapt onto the bed behind me and started playing with Ayumi, who greeted her with a loud gurgle.

"Did they find out what was wrong?" Kannon asked, focusing on Yukata as she played with Ayumi. The Hisano frowned, and shrugged it off.

"They couldn't find anything, so they discharged me and told me to get some rest," she said nonchalantly. "Not that I mind, anyway. I needed to start working again anyway."

"That doesn't sound right," I frowned, irked at how Yukata had just been palmed off that easily. "I'm not convinced."

"I'm fine, honestly."

I was taken aback by the seriousness in Yukata's voice, and judging by the look on Kannon's face, she was too. I decided to drop the subject there, and talk about other things.

"So, how's saving going?"

"It's... going," laughed Yukata, a bit too high for my liking. "Progress is being made, slowly."

"Just as well you're overnight sitting, eh?" I chuckled, watching on as she continued playing with Ayumi.


The next morning, Yukata was back at our room, but this time she was with someone else.

"Gaara, hey!" I said, greeting the Kazekage as Kannon struggled to bring out my overnight bag and Ayumi's pram. He reached out and took the bag from Kannon, who grunted a short "Thanks," before turning around and locking the door behind her, holding onto Ayumi's pram with one hand.

"Good morning. You seem to be in good spirits."

"Hell yeah! I'll have this guy out by tomorrow!" I said cheerfully, hands on my belly. "I'm excited! I can start wearing normal clothes again! Not these stupid maternity garments!"

"Your enthusiasm is reassuring," said Gaara with a smile, leaning down and greeting Ayumi in her pram. "Good morning, princess. You're going to be an older sister soon, are you excited?"

Ayumi promptly responded by shoving her toy rattle in the Kazekage's face, making him laugh as he gently pushed it away.

"Ayumi, don't do that!" I whined, only for Gaara to brush it off.

"It's fine, really." Straightening up, he turned his attention back to us. "The car is all ready for you downstairs. Please, if there's anything else you need, don't hesitate to call me. I'll be on call in case anything happens. The same goes for Tsunade and Naruto. We will all respond immediately."

"Right," I said, feeling both embarrassed yet touched at the same time. "Thanks. We'll keep it in mind."

That being said, Gaara put my bag at his feet, nodding and putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Good luck." He reached out and gave me a quick hug, before turning to Kannon and giving her a nod. "I'll see you soon."

"Where's my hug?" 

Kannon complained as the Kazekage turned around, stopping him in his tracks instantly. He hung his head and turned back, hastily returning to Kannon's side and giving her an awkward embrace.

"Sorry," he apologised, looking thoroughly disconcerted. Kannon quickly embraced him before pushing him towards Yukata, saying, "Here, you have to hug her too now."

"Kannon!" I said disapprovingly, seeing the uncomfortable look on Gaara's face as he fumblingly one arm hugged Yukata. "Really, Gaara, thank you!"

"It's no problem. Good luck." 

With that, Gaara was gone, and Kannon was left standing with a big smirk on her face. Yukata, however, looked for the most part unfazed by the Kazekage's touch.

"Yukata? You okay?"

Considering Yukata was one of Gaara's biggest fans, the fact that she looked completely unaffected from his hug was astonishing. I hadn't seen her in a while though- maybe she was out of that gawky fangirl phase.

"Hmm?" The young girl looked at me with a blank look on her face. "Yes, of course."

"Ah, just wondering," I said, now looking at Kannon so that we could leave. However, there was an expression of concern on her face, and I raised an eyebrow at her in interest. "Kannon, are you alright?"

She blinked and looked at me, shaking her head with a broad smile.

"No. I'm... all left."

I was speechless.

The scowl on my face must've been enough, because Kannon doubled over and burst out into a fit of laughter, holding onto Ayumi's pram for support as she howled like a banshee. Thankfully, Yukata didn't see eye to eye with her, as she too looked displeased by her... joke.

"Oh my god, Kannon..." I sighed and shook my head, covering my face in embarrassment.


"Stop it, you're making Shisui not want to be born," I said weakly, clutching my belly and making my way towards the lift at the end of the corridor. Yukata picked up the overnight bag, while a still howling Kannon started pushing Ayumi after me.

"I'm all left! I'm all left!"

"You're going to be all dead if you keep saying that."

Author's Note: ok i lied i was too tempted to not stay up and write another chapter hahahahaha

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