At the mention of his name, Baki's jaw dropped, and he looked at Gaara with a look of horror on his face.

"Kazekage-sama! That's not..."

Gaara cleared his throat and continued speaking, ignoring his stammering councilman.

"I'm sure Sasuke would be very pleased to see you one last time before he leaves."

My eyes widened in shock as Gaara's words sunk in, and he gave me a small, knowing smile.

"I think you should get going. Right, Baki? Your ride should be here soon."

"M-My Lord..."

I leapt to my feet, heart pounding at the prospect of seeing Sasuke one more time before he left. Fuck it- my heart was pounding because I so desperately just wanted to touch him. A hug, a kiss, a high five- at this point, any form of physical contact with the Uchiha would suffice for me.

Kannon beamed at Gaara as she stood up, walking towards him and throwing her arms around him for a great big hug. He looked flustered as she did so, but didn't complain one bit.

"Thank you, Gaara," she said tenderly, briefly putting her face against his before letting go.

"Anything to help." With that, Gaara looked at Baki sternly and nodded at him to leave. Still rattled by the Kazekage's seemingly on the spot decision, Baki reluctantly bowed and took his leave, with Kannon and I hot on his heels.

Every step I took was a bittersweet one. Even though I knew I would finally be able to touch Sasuke after months of separation, it would also mark the beginning of a new era without him by my side.


"Baki-sama! Didn't you hear?"

The guard standing by the elevator looked thoroughly startled by our appearance, bowing immediately to Baki as we approached.

"No visitors are allowed in or out of the prison today," explained the shinobi, looking fearful of stopping Baki from entering.

"The Kazekage has given me orders to escort these ladies down to the Uchiha's cell," said Baki, looking irritated as he said so. "Is the Hokage down there?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Then I guess we'll be going down too. Open the lift."

"Yes, my Lord."

I couldn't remember the ride down to the cell being as long as it was that day, but as soon as we reached our floor, I was pushing Ayumi out in a heartbeat. The entire corridor was empty; even the cannibal's cell was guardless. So when Kannon and Baki caught up to me, standing outside of Sasuke's door, I looked at the Suna nin for instructions.

"We wait."

By now, my heart was racing, and I felt like it wasn't going to be stopping any time soon. I anxiously awaited the door to open, tapping my foot impatiently as I stood with my back against the wall.

Time passed.

The door opened.

"Amaterasu! What are you doing here?!"

First out was none other than Kakashi Hatake, who looked momentarily alarmed at our presence.

"Tera?!" I heard Sasuke's voice, and I suddenly felt the urge to cry.

Kakashi was followed by ninja who I recognised from the squad who had been sent to bring me back to Suna, who had Sasuke tightly bound and walking in between them. It was bearded man and lilac eyes man - Asuma and Neji, if I can remember correctly. Bringing up the rear was Tsunade herself, who looked unimpressed.

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