"Hmm, good question Kannon. Yes, there are several people for me to tolerate while I'm here, locked up in solitary confinement," said Sasuke brusquely, making me snort at the exchange. "I've actually become very fond of my friend who lives under my bed, I guess you could say I tolerate him."

"Very funny," said Kannon dryly, turning her attention to Ayumi. "I hope your sense of humour isn't as bad as your daddy's!"

"You tolerate Kannon, that counts too," I chimed in. "Believe it or not, Sasuke, but I think you've become more of a tolerant person. You've softened up. Emotionally, that is. Looking at you now, I can see you're still as physically fit as you were the first day I met you."

"Thanks," he said roughly. "I find it surprising that you visit me nearly every day, yet there's never a boring moment."

"What can I say? I'm an entertainer at heart."

"I guess that's true. Remember when-"

Sasuke was cut off mid sentence as we heard the door open behind us, and we all turned our attention to see who else could possibly want to visit Sasuke.

"Oh- Gaara?" I watched on in confusion as the Kazekage walked in, followed by his right hand man Baki. He had an apologetic look on his face as he approached us, whilst Baki looked as solemn as ever.

"Hello, Amaterasu," said Gaara smoothly, nodding in acknowledgement at Sasuke and Kannon. "I'm so sorry to barge in like this."

"Er, no, that's fine, that's fine," I said, looking at Kannon in confusion. I could've sworn it was still May. Surely they weren't taking Sasuke out already?

Gaara nodded at me, and Baki walked towards the glass window, standing with his back to Sasuke and his hands firmly at his side.

"May I speak to you outside, Amaterasu?"

"Uh, okay." I shuffled to my feet and followed the Kazekage out of the room, where Ryoko and Daichi still stood adamantly on watch. Gaara led me further down to the end of the corridor, closer to the elevator and far away from the guards down here.

"Once again, I'm terribly sorry for interrupting your visit," he said regretfully. "But I'm afraid the circumstances have changed."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the thing is, no one really knew you were constantly visiting Sasuke apart from the prison guards," he began, looking reluctant as he spoke. "Well, I did, and so did Tsunade-sama, and neither of us had a problem with it.

"However, it's only recently come to the attention of my ministers, and they think that you're up to something."

"Up to something? Like what?" I snorted, amazed by this fact. Well, Shibuki did try to warn me, I guess.

"I don't know. I think they're afraid that everything we tell you, you're feeding to him, and he could even potentially relay that information to his clan upon his release," he further explained, making me roll my eyes.

"You guys don't tell me anything though," I said, shaking my head. "You literally only told me when Sasuke arrived, and when he's due to leave."

"That's exactly why Tsunade-sama and I have no problem with this. You know nothing, therefore he knows nothing. However, my ministers don't see it this way, and insist that I restrict your access to his cell."

"Are you telling me I can't visit Sasuke anymore?"

"... not necessarily. You may still visit Sasuke, but Baki or one of the other ministers have to be present during the visit. As in, physically in the room next to you, listening to every word."

I groaned and threw my head back, throwing my hands in the air.


It was bad enough Kannon was there to listen to all our banter, as well as having the guards know partially about our relationship. But to have someone like Baki in the room? Not only would it be super awkward, but I didn't think Sasuke would find that idea very appealing.

"I'm really sorry, Amaterasu," said Gaara meekly. "But it's the only way I can allow you to continue visiting him."

"It's fine, it's fine," I said with a sigh, waving him away. "It's not for long anyway, right? Do your councilors know anything about Sasuke's release?"

"Yes. They're worried you might be planning to tag along and follow him to Konoha, or something like that."

"Why would a pregnant woman risk a three day trek through deserts and forests to follow a man back to the very people who want to kill her?" I laughed, amazed at the council's way of thinking. "Wow, the people in your council, I swear..."

"I know, and I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I patted Gaara on the back. "Is that all you needed to say?"

"Yes. For now, anyway."

"So I'm guessing... Baki's staying?"

"Unfortunately so. He's one of the main doubters in the council, so..."

"I understand. I'll let you go then, huh?"

"I'll see you around. Really, I'm so sorry for this, Amaterasu-chan."

"It's okay, Gaara. A Kazekage's gotta do what a Kazekage's gotta do."

Shooting me a swift grin, Gaara nodded, and made his way to the elevator. As it opened up a person stumbled out, and I recognised who it was straight away.

"Shibuki!" The tumbling guard immediately straightened up, bowing deeply to Gaara.

"Kazekage-sama!" Gaara shot him a wary look before stepping into the elevator behind him, nodding at me as Shibuki joined him to take him up. As the doors closed, I heard Gaara ask, "Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?", and for a split second, saw a look of true horror written all over Shibuki's face.

Laughing to myself as I returned to the cell, I nodded at the guards once more before walking in.

There was no mistaking the awkwardness that had befallen the crew. Baki stood as stiff as ever, and Kannon and Sasuke looked at me questioningly.

"Uh, thanks for joining us today, Baki," I said hesitantly, nodding at the councilman before taking my seat again. "Um, guys, Baki's going to be our escort during our visits, just to make sure we aren't talking about things out of the ordinary."

"Oh you're fucking kidding me." I grimaced as Sasuke's reaction turned out to be exactly what I expected, and attempted to calm him before the real fire broke out.

"It's okay, really," I said, trying to ease the Uchiha as he stood from his seat and glared daggers at Baki, who remained unshaken. "Baki won't be sharing any details we share with each other, right?"

He remained silent, and I internally groaned in annoyance.

"Just talk like he's not here," said Kannon smoothly, still playing with Ayumi in her lap. "He's going to get bored about you two squabbling over every little thing, anyway. I know I do. I tune out during your conversations half of the time."

"True," I said, looking up at Sasuke pleadingly. "Come on. Sit down."

Initially, he didn't move. But after a few seconds of internally deliberating, he finally sat down, albeit looking very unhappy.

"Where were we?"

It took a while to coax Sasuke into talking to me like he normally would, but once we got back on track, everything felt normal again. We began talking about our days back at the compound, trying our best to avoid any talk of what we planned to do after the war. I cracked jokes here and there, trying to create laughter at every opportunity.

Little did he know, I was counting down the days until I would have to say goodbye to him.

If I even got the chance to, of course.

Author's Note: man i'm so sorry i didn't update these last couple of days :'( it's only been two days but it feels like forever hahaha i was just hella sick n yeah that's it lmao enjoy dis filler chapter homies there might be some spelling errors n shit bc im still sick but pls ignore them i'll fix em later on thx

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