"Nothing much" I said and slouched on my chair.

Why is Taehyung acting like that? I mean, did I do something wrong to him? Or should I know something that he knows or what?

"I know there's something wrong and its written all over your face pabo-ya" Jackson laughed.

"Ugh,you suck Jack" I glared at him but he just chuckled. He really knows what I'm thinking.

"So what's the matter? Is it with someone...?" He asked.

"Well...there's this guy and he's my friend like for years and we're close. And I talked to him but he suddenly kept avoiding me which was unusual. So, I really don't know if he's mad at me or something like that" I told Jackson.

"Hmm...I think whoever that guy is likes you"

I almost jumped up from my seat when Jackson said that.

"No way!!!" I immediately told him.

"Can't you see? As a guy, I know how some men do these and act like these. And he starts to avoid you right?

Maybe he decided to avoid you because its for the best and he doesn't want to ruin your friendship or maybe there's another reason for it" Jackson said.

"I don't know what you mean, Jackson. But I'll think about what you said." I told him.

The professor came and discussed our lecture for the day. I can see in the corner of my eye that Taehyung's listening to what the prof was saying.

I was thinking about all the possible reasons why he eas acting that way.

I'm the type of person that isn't comfortable when one of my friends aren't talking to me that's why I'm acting like this because I want to solve whatever problem is between us.

"Ms. KIM??!" I was snapped back out of my thoughts when I heard our professor shouting at me.

"So can you explain what I've just said earlier?" The professor said.

Okay. I'm doomed.

This is one of the reasons why you should really pay attention in class my fellow students.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. I wasn't paying attention." I admitted politely.

"You're lucky, Ms. Kim that you're a top student and this will be the last time I'm going to let you pass, understood?" She said dissapointed.

"Yes, Ma'am" I said.

I just want the ground to swallow me up right now. I was really embarassed.

Class was dismissed and I headed to my locker to get the books for my next class.


Mark was leaning next to my locker. He was wearing jeans, paired with a white sneakers and a black sweater. He looked breathtaking.

"Hi" I gave him a smile.

"I heard that you'll be arranging the year's campaign again" he said while we fall in line to the cafeteria.

"Yeah" I answered while I was watching Taehyung seat with his friends and the girls at our usual table.

"I was guessing that, ummm..." he said shyly.

"Guessing what?" I said and turned to face him while we got our food and was heading to each of our tables.

"I'll tell you later after lunch" he smiled at me and went to his table with Jackson and the other guys.

I was thinking if I'll join the table with Taehyung and the others or I'll just go to the vacant table outside where only some people go to.

It'll just look awkward if I seat with them and Taehyung and I will not talk to each other which the others would only find out.

I made up my mind and decided to go to eat at the vacant table outside alone but "Jisoo!!" I saw Jin oppa called me and was waving at me to go and eat with them like always.

How am I suppose to act okay with Taehyung?

I walked towards our table and sat between Hoseok oppa and Yoongi oppa.

"Yah, what took you so long? Tsk" Yoongi oppa argued but I only glared at him.

"Where you deciding to eat somewhere with someone?" Jin oppa asked me then drank his cola.

"Ani" I said then just ate my burger.

"Where's Rosè?" Namjoon oppa asked.

"She's still staying with Jinyoung's family but she'll be back tomorrow" Lisa said while Jungkook was feeding her fries and laughing together.

They looked so cute. I'm glad Lisa chose Jungkook.

"No PDA!" Jin oppa scolded the two. "Don't mind him. He's just jealous cause' he got dumped by Yo-"

Jin oppa suddenly covered Jungkook's mouth while Jungkook bit his hand and then laughed.

"Yah! Maknae!" Jin oppa glared at the laughing maknae while Lisa just shooked her head.

"Arasso arasso, hyung. I won't tell Yoona sunbaenim dumped you" then Jungkook just realized he told us Jin oppa's secret.

"WAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHJAHHAHBDGHSJAHAJJKLAJFGHKKLAHAHHAHA" we all laughed except for Yoongi and Taehyung who was busy eating their food.

"YAAAHHH!!! JEON JUNGKOOK!!" Jin oppa shouted the ran after Jungkook who immediately ran while Jin oppa was chasing him.

"I'll be going now" Taehyung stood up.

"I thought we'll all go together?" Hoseok oppa asked.

"I need to do something. See you guys later I think" he said then left without taking a glance at me.

"Such a coward" I heard Jennie mumbled.

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