I Just Want To Die (2)

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Thank you to those who commented and voted on the last part to have this one happen! Enjoy~! 

(1009 words)

Your POV 

I woke up and was staring at a concrete ceiling. I sat up slowly and looked around as I rubbed my yes. All I remember was coming over here in the rain and getting my old inventions and making a lethal weapon to-. Oh yeah. I had wanted to die. I looked around to see Morty. He had his head on the table and was sound asleep with a blanket over his shoulders. 

I scanned the room to see my inventions put away and back on the shelf in their rightful box. I didn't see where Rick was. I hung my feet over the table and was about to hop down when a surprisingly sober voice had rang through my ears. I looked up to see Rick. He had a slight frown on his face. His unibrow was slightly relaxed and kinda furrowed. His eyes were slightly lidded. He had dark bags under them. He was carrying a tray of food. 

He stepped from the door way and walked over to me and put the tray down next to me. I looked at it. There was pancakes, coffee, orange juice, bacon. He had outdone himself this time. He stood in front of me but I couldn't look at him. Not to see the disappointment in his eyes. 

"Why didn't you tell me you felt that way?" he asked.

I kept my eyes on the floor and didn't answer. 

"(y/n) I need you to tell me." he said. 

I sighed. "I didn't think you'd care. No one else had about me. They always said. 'It'll get better' or 'Oh, you're just sad'. It never did change though. So I gave up trying to get people to understand. They wouldn't have understood unless they've gone through it themselves." I said. I watched him place both of his hands on either side of me before he  put his forehead to mine. 

"You know I'm not big on emotion. But I do understand just about everything in the universe. You should have came to me. And that doesn't mean my garage to destroy yourself with your own lethal weapon." he said. 

We looked at Morty who had began to move and wake up. He sat up and yawned before rubbing his eyes. He looked at me and blinked a few times before it processed. Rick moved away quickly and Morty jumped up and hugged me tightly as tears and snot ran out of his nose and eyes. He sobbed into my chest and I hugged him back. 

He pulled away and looked at me. "Don't you ever do that again. Please" he said. I ruffled his hair and nodded. "I promise I wont." I said. I looked at Rick. "What did you roofie me with?" I asked. He chuckled lightly. 

"It was only a tranquilizer." he said. I nodded and wiped Morty's face. "I guess one thing that came out of this is good." I said. Morty looked at me confused and so did Rick. I looked to Rick and smiled. "You're sober." I said. He blushed lightly and looked down. 

I hopped off the table and walked over to him before wrapping my arms around his neck. He slowly put his arms around my waist and held me close. 

Rick's POV 

Hell yeah I was sober. It's hard not to when one of the people you love is trying to kill themselves. I hugged her and wondered what would have happened if she didn't come here yesterday. Or if we hadn't had heard the door closed and came in here. Or if we were on some adventure and didn't get back in time. I don't want to think about the scene that we could have came home to. She pulled away and I looked at her. Her eyes had began to be happy again. Her smile started to return. There wasn't any signs of depression anywhere. 

"You need to eat, sweetie." I said. She looked at the food and smiled. "Thanks Rick." she said and looked at Morty. "Want some?" she asked. He nodded and they began to eat. I walked into the house to go to the bathroom. I got into the bathroom and locked the door. I put either hand on the sides of the sink and looked in the mirror. I stared hard for a moment before the tears arose. Everything that I've held in for Morty's sake since we found (y/n) last night. Is all starting to come out. I sat on the floor and quietly let the tears fall. I sighed as I found myself going for my flask. 

I uncapped it as I stood. I looked in the mirror and saw how other people see me. A broken man that relies on the drink day in and day out. A man that has thrown away his life because of the drink. Lost his job, his wife, everything. Just because of the drink. But today. It stops. I poured the flask down the sink. I walked to the kitchen after I wiped my face and put the flask in the cupboard to never use again. I walked to the garage and found Morty and (y/n) laughing about an adventure he was telling her about. I smiled lightly as I looked at them and leaned on the doorway. She was right though. Some good did come out of this. I did stop drinking because maybe if i hadn't I could have noticed the signs earlier. 

But for now I was seeing the world in more colors than before. And with clear vision. All because of one (y/a) year old girl. That has changed me since the moment I saw her. I never knew she would change me so much, hell even if anyone could. I smiled. I guess you could say I love her for it then now couldn't you? 

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