I Just Want To Die

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This is a bit of a random idea kinda like the Unity one I wrote a while back. Enjoy~! 

(715 words)

Your POV 

I was walking over to the Smith's house as there was a full on down pour. I love the rain but today I was to upset to smile from the sound or the smell of humidity in the air. I moved my head so my face was pointing the the grey, gloomy sky as the cold rain fell onto my face. I drew in a breath as more tears fell from my eyes and were masked by the rain. I let my head hang as I looked at the soaked sidewalk through blurry vision. 

I sighed and resumed my walk to the Smith's residence. I turned the corner and saw the garage door was open and I made my way in the rain in a dead sprint to the house as my feet splashed making the water droplets that just fell splash up again. I got into the garage that was empty and closed the door and sighed as I was catching my breath. I looked at some of my unfinished products. 

I walked over and grabbed the box of them and dropped them to the bench and started sifting through them. It didn't take long to find what I wanted. I grabbed an old laser crystal and a portal gun and put them together to instantly vaporize anything that the laser is shot at. 

I had tears running down my face as I looked at the make shift weapon that I had created only moments before. I slowly and shakily rose the make shift gun to my head and was ready to pull the trigger. That was before I felt it be ripped from my hand and I turned quickly to see who it was. It was Rick. I looked past him and saw Morty. He was shocked and hurt as he had tears streaming down his face. I hadn't thought about what it would do to them. 

I looked at Rick as I choked back sobs. He put the gun down gently and put his two shaky hands to my cheeks and wiped the tears with his thumbs. He had one question and that came out in a low quivering voice. 


I finally broke and hugged him. He picked me up and sat down and I felt Morty hug me from behind as I sobbed uncontrollably into his chest. I needed help and I needed it quick. He pulled back enough to wipe my tears but was still holding me. His light blue shirt was now wet with tears. Morty's tears had turn to sniffles as he wiped his face and I looked at my hands. 

"(y/n)?" I heard. 

My head tilted to the side a little as I was listening. 

"(y/n)" His voice was more demanding now and I looked at him. 

He moved my hair from my tear stained face and I blinked. He gave a sigh. "Tell me why." he said. He sounded sober. 

I sighed. "I just want to die." I mumbled. 

He looked at Morty who nodded. "Why do you want to die?" Rick asked. 

I gulped. "I feel worthless. I can't do anything right. I can hardly even finish one project and yet you can finish twenty. I can't seem to do much of anything anymore with out being taunted or put down. So why try? My depression and insomnia are clashing making me not want to do anything. I don't even get my depression naps anymore. Then my thoughts are kicking my ass like never before. I just want it to stop. I just want to die. I know I sound like a Mr. Meeseeks but I don't think I'm supposed to go through this for this long. I can't for much longer that's for damn sure." I said. He hugged my again and calmed me down. I felt something poke my arm and I began to have blurry vision and I blacked out. I heard Rick and Morty talking about a sedative and Rick wanted to make something for my depression and insomnia and that was it. 

Part two? Comment or vote and I'll continue! See ya later~! 

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