It Is Real!

978 27 1

Your POV

Sitting at the dining room, I heard Rick leave the garage. Glancing up from my phone I watched as he went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of beer.

He turned and looked at me. "Relationships are stupid." He said. Raising a brow at him I put my phone down and sat back in my chair.

"What do you mean? Which planet, hive mind, or human hurt you this time?"

He glared at me before burping. "Fu-fuck you." Rick flipped me off while he sipped his beer again.

Rolling my eyes I stood up and went back to the living room. Sitting down with the rest of the Smiths, while they watched interdimentional cable.

Hearing Rick stumble from the dining table, I tried my best to ignore it. That was before Beth spoke up. "Dad, what's the matter?"

He shook his head before he flipped onto the couch. "N-nothing. Same shit, different day." Closing my eyes I sighed gently.

"What's your problem?" He asked. Putting my phone back into my pocket I hummed.

"How you seem to believe that love is nothing but a chemical, that's used for animals to reproduce." I said as I looked at him

"That's all it is, it makes us feel things that aren't real."

"That's where you're wrong. People can fall in love with someone else and stay with them for decades. You only believe it isn't real, since everyone who's ever told you they loved you had walked out of your life."

He looked at me, his face was still. Though while I stared at him, his eyes seemed to glaze over for a second. He stood up and shook his head.

"I don't fucking need this." He said as he slammed the door to the garage.

Sighing heavily ad I stood in the kitchen, I turned to sit back down.
That was before I heard my name.

"(Y/n), I think you should go apologize." Looking over as beth looked at me, I nodded gently. Standing up I went to the garage. Finding the door that led to the garage from the kitchen locked, I decided to pick it.

Opening the door I didn't find a Rick. Looking around for a second, I decided that I would go down the ladder for the hatch. Opening it, I jumped down and found him at the large monitor.

"Go away." He kept fiddling with a gadget in front of him. Walking over to him I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

He stiffened for a moment before he relaxed and sighed. "What's wrong with me?" He asked lowly.

"Nothing, Rick." Sighing he turned around in his chair, while his eyes stayed to the floor. Backing up as I looked at him he shook his head.

"You're right you know,  everyone I've ever loved has ended up leaving me. First my wife, the. Unity, then Gaia."

"It isn't you that's wrong, it was them. Unity tried to get you to change, which goes to show that you can't love a mental illness away. Gaia ended up cheating on you with a cheap rip off of Zeus. You aren't the problem, they are."

He stood up and rubbed his temples. "But I'm still the common denominator!" He said as he walked over to a couple other monitors.

"So? You're in my life too! I haven't left you, and I've seen how you can be  up close and personal!"

He stopped and looked at me. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

Looking down and shuffling my feet, I shrugged. "I guess I am." Stopping for a moment I breathed in slowly. Then let the breath go. "You know, Rick. I've gone on some crazy adventures with you. We've saved each other's lives more than we can count on one hand. I know you're messed up, and frankly. I am too. I really don't think you would be Rick Fucking Sanchez C-137 without having issues."

He crossed his arms as he leaned on the counter behind him. Looking up at him I stepped closer.

"Everyone has something wrong with them. Something that makes them appear pathetic or weak to another, but it doesn't matter. Without it you wouldn't be who you are, no one would be. Just because you can be an asshole at times doesn't mean you're less than human."

Stopping as I stood in front of him, I smiled gently. "You're still my Rick, and I love you. I don't care what anyone else says, you're alright in my book." I said.

He shook his head. "You done? I was pretty sure I was gonna end up being lactose intolerant from all that God damn cheese."

Giggling gently I nodded. "only if you give me a hug, and stop thinking that the universe hates you."

He hugged me gently and I smiled. Letting go, we went back to the main level of the garage. "The universe does hate me though."

"That's because you escapes the Galactic Federal Prison, and blew up the Citadel of Ricks." I said. He shrugged and nodded.

"Just a normal Tuesday for me." He said. Taking his flask from his lab coat, he sipped it. Shaking my head. I sighed gently. Sitting on the counter in the garage, I watched him turn and start working on something.

Rick, if I could tell you exactly what you mean to me, we would be here for more than a 100 episodes. You may be a drunken asshole at times, but you're still family to me. I don't care how many people leave you because of who you are. You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not.

If life was simple, it wouldn't have meaning. It's the complexity of the relationships we have and the people we meet that make everything worthwhile.

"This is space station Sanchez, looking for a signal from satellite, (y/n) do you read me, over?"

Blinking gently I looked over to see Rick staring at me. Chuckling gently I got off the counter and walked over to him. "Yeah yeah, I read you, what do you want?"

Looking to see what he was doing he started to tell me to get him some tools he needed. Though we did end up just searching for a flathead screwdriver for an hour.


Those damn screwdrivers. They're never around when you need them. Anyway, this concludes the book. Thanks for reading!

Part 50/50

For now....

Tales of Rick Sanchez (Rick x reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now