I'm Here To Pick Up An Order

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I watched the first episode of season 3 and I have ideas brewing in my very very demented brain... Enjoy~!

(1853 words)

Your POV

It's been almost a week since Rick turned himself in. The Galactic Federation took over the planet and now we have to eat pills all the damn time. Everyday I've walked into this garage hoping that it was all a dream and that Rick was still here. Still with us. With me.

I saw five dead flies and chuckled. "Rick you need to work on your codes." I said and arranged them to change the counters and shelves. I smiled as my eyes watered. I never thought I'd be able to see it again. Not since he left.

I grabbed an old watch he had and a hologram device. I combined the two to make a watch that scans and puts a holographic image over me to make me look and sound like someone. I looked at Morty when he came in.

"Stand still for one second." I said and pointed the watch at him. He flinched from all the times Rick probably did that to him.

A blue scan went over him and he looked at it. I smirked and it retracted into the face of the watch and I smiled. Morty looked amazed. "Did you make that?" he asked. I nodded happily.

"Let's see if it works." I said and pushed the button on the watch to get it to work and I looked and sounded like Morty. He smiled wide. "Aw geez, (y/n)! You could be as smart as Rick." he said. I smiled and turned it off with a small blush as I turned around to adjust a few things.

"No, Rick is the smartest man in the universe. I'm just a kid." I said.

Morty smiled and walked over. "You can't tell anyone. But we're going to get Rick back." I said as I watched the boy smile.

"Really?!" he asked. I put my hand over his mouth and nodded and smiled.

"Yes we are. But I need you to stay in the car and be ready for when you see us, can I count on you?" I asked. He smiled and nodded saluting me. "You got it!" he said.

I smiled and we got into the car before leaving. I used the car and we got to where the Galactic Prison he was being held was at. I scanned the building for a layout and where he was at. I found him surrounded a room with a bunch of bugs like that assassin guy. I looked at Morty. "Take the wheel?" I asked. He nodded and we changed seats.

He got me closer to the building and I jumped onto one of the cargo ships for a bug soldier. I scanned him before snapping his neck and taking his clothes. I impersonated him and made my way in from there.

After that I got a different soldier and used him to get close to the room Rick was in. I smirked as I walked in. "I'm here to pick up an order." I said.

The guards looked at me. "What's the order?" one asked.

I grabbed my guns quickly and smirked. "A jail break." I said and shot them all before turning off the machine that Rick was hooked up to. He woke up and grabbed a gun and pointed it at me.

"Woah Rick, calm down." I said.

"Why? You're a fucking soldier." he said.

I held my arms up. "Push the button on my watch and see what happens." I said. He approached me slowly. He pushed it and the hologram wavered and I was put to normal with a smirk. He dropped the gun and was in pure shock.

"(y/n)?" he asked. I smiled at him before hugging him. "I've missed you." I said. He hugged back slowly and tightened it after he did. "I missed you too." he said. I looked at him as more soldiers were going to the room we were in. "We need to go. Morty's in the car. Yes I made the watch myself. You're welcome." I said as I tossed a gun back at him.

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