Better Than You Think

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This update is of my own mind. (Weird phrasing) Enjoy~! 

(1314 words)

Your POV 

I was in the Citadel with Rick and Morty after they had destroyed it way back when. Morty's were wreaking havoc as their Ricks had been killed or they were left behind. They even had their own side of town. There was even a presidential election going on. There was a Morty running too.  We were walking through one of the Morty sides of the Citadel and we ended up seeing a Morty cop almost kill another Morty. Morty hugged me and Rick sighed. I looked at Rick and he nodded as we began to leave the Morty side of town. 

He has always had a soft spot for his Grandson. Even if he doesn't like to admit it. Morty let me go and sighed deeply after we got far away from the Morty town. Rick looked at his Grandson. His face blank and unmoved but his eyes on the other hand. Said he as worried.  I looked at him and he caught my eye and he averted his eyes as he knew that i knew he was worried. 

I looked at Morty and sighed. I knew I had to speak to Rick about this later. And not just my Rick. All of them. Then it was settled. We went home and I went to my room early as I had to prepare a speech. I was gonna ask to speak during the presidential debate for the Citadel the following day and see what happens. Hopefully the Ricks get to understand and the Mortys will stop their fighting for good. 

~The Next Day~ 

I woke up early and Rick and Morty and I were all going to the Citadel to catch the debate. They didn't know what I was planning and it was better that way. Because Rick would have tried to talk me down, knowing him at least. 

I slipped away from them as they were waiting to hear the speeches for the candidates. I managed to get to where the projector was of the auditorium they were in and hacked into it. I got a camera and put it on me before I turned it on. It began to stream all over the Citadel. I was on the TV behind the candidates. But I'm sure that if I could see Rick and Morty right now Rick would facepalm and Morty would look at Rick confused. Rick would be asking himself. "Why did I teach her how to hack?" While Morty would ask Rick. "R-rick. Um. W-why is (y/n) on the TV?" 

I chuckled at the thought for a second before I looked at the camera and began speaking. "Rick and Mortys of the Citadel. Hear me. I apologize for interrupting the Candidates during this time of need for a president. But, I believe that all Ricks don't give the Morty's the credit they need. Now I'm not saying to vote for Morty for president. Just to listen. " I drew in a breath. "What I mean to say is. Every Rick has a Morty right? And Every Rick treats said Morty like dirt mostly, right? But what if the Morty's aren't as useless as the Ricks say they are? I know that there aren't anymore of me in any dimension that we can travel to with our portal guns. So I know for a fact no one else as done this. I'm (y/n). I'm from dimension C-137. My Rick and Morty didn't know I was planning this. So it isn't their fault. If I do get arrested." I chuckled for a second and looked away from the camera. Then back again. 

"Although the Rick's that are here with their Morty's can agree when they say that their Morty is 'Dumb', 'good for nothing', 'useless', ' a pain', so on and so forth. But I think deep down they know they aren't. I was looking at my Rick just earlier today as he was watching his Morty. You know the one with the yellow t-shirt that always stutters? That one? Oh is that yours too? Or is he a lizard? Or part fly because you got bored of him being human like most other 14 year old boys are supposed to be? Why try and change someone to be something they aren't? What's the purpose? Maybe, just maybe when you do change them you'll decide that you didn't like them to your standards and go drop them off somewhere to forget them and go get another Morty. I know Morty isn't perfect. None of them are. No one in the universe is. I know there are a bunch of Ricks that can agree with that. They've seen it all I'm sure. I know I have.  But anyway. The Morty I know. Is perfect to me. I wouldn't want any other. I wouldn't change anything about him. I guess you could say I love him. And I know there are Ricks that love their Mortys too. I can read people well. So even though you think you're hiding your emotions well. Well I gotta say. Your eyes tell a different story. But It's good. Maybe being a genius does mean you can have emotions too?" 

There was banging in the door of the room I was in. They found me. I smiled at the camera. 

"The Morty's of the Citadel and the other dimensions are Better than you think they are. Yes they mess up, or act on impulse but they're human. We make mistakes. I know I do. And so does the Rick I know. But maybe the mistake you make is letting your Morty go. Or putting him in a situation he cant get out of? Before I met my Rick and Morty I was lost. I had no goals. Little to know interest in the things I loved. Then that changed when I was found by them. They showed me other worlds. Worlds that I couldn't describe to others unless they've seen it themselves. I love my Rick and my Morty. So why can't the Rick's and Morty's love each other? And you can't tell me that the Morty's are good for nothing. I saw a cop Morty interrogate another Morty over at Morty town and got the information he wanted. Now tell me that that wasn't something, and look me in the eyes as you do. But for now I need to go. Back to you President Morty." 

I said and ended the stream. I turned everything off and opened the window for the room i was in and grabbed my belt and used it as a zipline. I landed at the stage and put my belt back on before people started clapping. I looked around and some Ricks and Mortys were crying. I was astonished. My Rick and Morty pushed by the others. Rick saw me first and had tears in his eyes. He knelt down and I hugged him. He picked me up and spun me around. He kissed my forehead. and whispered in my ear. "I love you too, (y/n)." he said. 

I smiled and Morty hugged me as he cried a bit. "D-did you really mean it?" he asked. I wiped his tears away with my thumb. "Every word." I said. Before I knew it I was hit with the press and looked at Rick as he dried his face. I nodded he opened a portal. I looked at a camera and sighed. "I am not running for president. Choose one of the candidates to run the Citadel. I'm not fit to. That is all." I said and grabbed Rick and Morty to leave. We were in the garage and I looked at the two. They looked proud of me. I smiled back and we hugged. 

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