Oh, What's This?

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McSassypants will strike in this chapter. (Not based off an episode)

(570 words)
Your POV

I was in the garage waiting for Rick and Morty to get home because I needed a screwdriver. I got tired of waiting soon enough and began rummaging through Rick's shit to find one. I was searching for maybe ten minutes when the space car nearly ran me over as Rick pulled in.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked bitterly as he had his flask in his hand and crossed his arms.

"Aw geez, Rick. Maybe you should leave her alone?" Morty said quietly.

"ShUUt up, Morty."Rick said.

"But what the fuck are you doing in here, (y/n)?" Rick asked once again,

"Rummaging asshole." I said and went to another box.

"Rummaging for what?" he asked.

"A fucking screwdriver." I said and went to the next one.

"You won't find fucking shit." he said and went to his chair.

"Oh, what's this?" I asked and got a cocked eyebrow from Rick. I turned around and lifted my hand out of the box flipping him off. "It's a big box of fuck you, Rick." I said.

He chuckled lightly. "You've bEEeen a-around me too much (y-y/n)." he said and I smirked.

I looked at Morty. "Do you know where the screwdriver is?" I asked.

He looked at me for a second thinking and nodded. "I think Rick had it last." he said and meekly pointed over to the older man.

Rick looked at me and smirked. "Oh, you mean this?" he asked and held it in his hand.

"The fuck Rick? You had it on you the whole time!" I said. Rick just burped in reply. "Why didn't you tell me you had it? Was it because you wanted to stare at my-." I stopped talking and rose a brow.

"Morty can you go inside for a second?" I asked.

Morty looked confused and nodded before running inside.

"What were you s-saying, sweetie?" he asked.

I walked over before leaning my hand on the back of his chair and getting closer to him to make him tip over slightly. "Were you with holding the information of the screwdriver to stare at my ass as I bent over looking for it in the boxes on the shelf?" I asked.

He burped and chuckled. "You really think I would do such a thing?" he asked.

"I don't think. I know Rick." I said. He squinted his eyes. Studying me.

I grabbed the screwdriver from his hand and let him go to hit the floor with the front legs of the chair he was on and roll onto the floor before looking at the ceiling. I bent over to look at him as he was upside down.

"Next time think before you decide to trick a girl." I said.

"ORrr WHat?" he asked.

"I take your booze, old man." I said.

His eyes widened. "You wouldn't." he said and burped again.

I smirked. "I would." I said and stepped over him only for him to grab my foot and for me to fall onto his lap and for him to sit up and grab me.

"You know. I like my women fiery right? I'd watch who you mess with, sweetie. You won't win this war." he said.

I smirked deviously. "Try me."

Fooooour updates in one day woooooooooooo. Anyway see ya~!

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