Girl Talk

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This is a spin off of the Whirly Dirly Conspiracy when Summer didn't think she was hot. Enjoy~!

(688 words)

Your POV 

I walked into the Smith's house to find Beth making some weird dog statue out of horse parts. I rose a brow at her and continued walking. Rick was with Jerry so that meant that today was going to be a bit boring. Morty was on the couch on his phone and Summer walked in and looked at her mother. "Mom, am I hot?" she asked as tears were streaming down her face. 

I looked at Summer. "Summer what's wrong?" I asked. 

She looked at me and shook her head before she went to the garage. I followed and closed the door. I grabbed her shoulders as she was rummaging through things. I turned her around and got her to look at me. "What did he do now?" I asked. 

She sighed and wiped her eyes. "He left me for some skank because her tits are bigger than mine." she said and more tears feel despite her attempt to keep them away. I sighed and hugged her. She cried on my shoulder and I smiled at her as I pulled away. "You're beautiful as you are. If he wants someone with bigger tits that's his problem. He lost an amazing, smart, funny girl that has a mad genius as a grandpa. You're pretty lucky and don't need him to be complete." i said. 

He nodded and smiled. "You're right." she said. "I'm perfect without him and don't need a man to be happy." 

I smiled and nodded. "Now dry those tears and come on." I said and grabbed my wallet and phone. "Where are we going?" she asked. "Shopping." I said and looked at her, 

She smiled and ran out after me. We walked to the mall which wasn't too far away. We got there and I looked at her. "Where do you wanna go?" i asked and she thought for a moment. "Hmm why not go to Hot Topic? The clothes you get from there are pretty hot." she said and I blushed a bit. She smirked and I looked away. "So you can blush huh. (y/n) the hardass does blush." she said amazed. I rolled my eyes and we began our walk to Hot Topic. 

 We got in and she smiled. There were usually a lot of stuff here. I usually went to the wallet section because they have some damn good Legend of Zelda wallets. Summer went off to look at something and I chuckled. I followed her and looked to see her looking at a Panic! at the disco shirt. She looked at me and before she said it I nodded. "If you want it it's yours." I said. She made a kinda quiet high pitched squeal. I smiled and she went to look at other band shirts. I watched her run around and she even got a few chokers. I paid for everything and we walked around the mall to the food court. 

After a day o shopping we decided to go back to the house to see Rick was home. Summer put her stuff in her room and was feeling better about herself after that. Rick looked at me and gave a small smile. 

"That was a very grown up thing you did for her." he said. 

I rolled my eyes "I'm 16 I'm already a grown up." I said. 

He laughed and walked over to me and gave me a hug. I was surprised but still returned it. I wasn't everyday someone got a hug from Rick. So if you did then it would mean that you pretty much won the lottery. You better cherrish that shit. He pulled away and we were called inside for dinner. I smiled and we walked into the house. I heard Rick mumble something that sounded a lot like I love you but I dismissed it and went inside like it was a regular day at the Smith's house. But then again. There isn't ever a regular day at the Smith's house. 

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