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Thank you so much to @NightcorShadow for the wonderful idea! I hope you like it! 

(1942 words)

Rick's POV 

I was startled awake by a loud noise. Sitting up as I put a hand against my pounding forehead, I groaned. 

"Who the hell is making such a racket? Don't they know I'm sleeping?" I mumbled as I swung my legs to the side of my bed. 

Standing up I grabbed my lab coat and slipped it on. Walking down the steps and towards the garage as I heard the noise again, I rose a brow as I saw a flash of light come from under the garage door. Feeling like something was wrong, I ran to the door to find it locked. 

Shooting the handle with my laser gun, making it melt I kicked the door in. Standing in the middle of the garage, I noticed that it had been completely ransacked. Running a hand through my hair as I looked around, my heart started to pound. 

Running back into the main part of the house, I darted up the stairs skipping a couple with every step. Reaching the top as my breathing quickened and I could hear my heart in my ears, I went over to the guest room. 

(y/n) had stayed over since it was rather late by the time we had finished a mission we went on. Beth had mentioned she could stay and she agreed since she didn't want to disturb her parents when she got home. 

Opening the door slowly, the light from the hallway lit up the room. I looked at the bed to see that she was still there. Sighing gently I walked over and leaned down to kiss her forehead. Stopping when I heard a small click, i dove to the floor as a mechanism sat up that had a knife in it's hand. It would have gone straight between my eyes. 

Standing up slowly as I looked at it I rose a brow. The noises in the garage, my garage being ransacked and now this? Fucking hell, not him. Running to Morty's room I dragged him out of bed. 

"Morty, come on. We need to go right now." I said as I pulled on his ankle. He held onto his bed post and groaned. 

"No, Rick. Take (y/n) with you, I need sleep." 

"I can't take her with me, we have to go get her." 

Letting go of the bed post he looked at me confused. "What? She's in the guest room isn't she?" 

I shook my head as I let go of his leg. "She's not. I was woken up by a couple noises, my garage has been ransacked and she's missing. Someone took her. Morty, please we need to get her back!" 

Running my hands in my hair I watched as Morty stood up and nodded. "You have some explaining to do on our way there. I'm sure you have an idea who would have took her right?" he asked as he slipped into some pants. 

Nodding as he put his shoes on, we ran to the garage to get into the flying car. Leaving, we went to space and into a portal. Getting to the Citadel that had strange creatures all over it, we flew around until we got to the main building. Getting there we could see a shit ton of imprisoned Ricks. 

Landing far enough from the Ricks we got out. Opening the trunk I grabbed a couple weapons and handed some to Morty. I had a feeling of who was behind all of this, but I wanted her back. I would do whatever it took to get her back. 

Walking into a small hallway I looked around. I didn't see any cameras, but this guy probably had some. Hearing Morty complain I sighed gently. "Morty be quiet, you'll get us caught." 

"No Rick, I want to know what's going on! You didn't explain anything in the car" 

"There's a reason I didn't explain what was going on in the car. I don't need to explain everything to you!" 

Tales of Rick Sanchez (Rick x reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now