Couples Therapy

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(1374 words)
Your POV 

Lately, Rick and I have been arguing a lot. Even though we aren't married he decided that we could go to that Couples Therapy that has a 100% success rate. Crossing my arms I got into the car and we were off to the planet that had it. Walking in they put a helmet on us that reads how our subconscious portrays each other. 

They scanned it and a platform came up. It looked entirely like me but it wouldn't stop talking. "Is this how you see me? Annoying as hell?" they let him out of the chair and he stood as he burped a little. "Yup, I see everyone like that" he said as he looked at me. After they put the helmet on me my perceptions scanned through and there was just a normal Rick. 

He looked at me as he rose a part of his unibrow. "She sees you as you are. Not a monster, not anything but yourself. This is good because all we have to do is find out why you perceive her differently." the therapist said as he looked at us. I took off the helmet and put it in the chair as I had my arms crossed in front of my body. We walked around on the tour. I could see Rick take some glances of me throughout walking. Stopping at the cages our two perceptions were at we could see that Rick would sit in the corner with his back towards me while mine tried to get his attention and he zoned her out. 

"If you hate me so much? Why the hell do you talk to me? Why would you let me in your garage?" 

"I kinda have to, because Beth, Morty, and Summer like having you around so I have to sit around and tolerate how annoying you are." 

Rick lowered his flask as he looked at me. "Is that how you see me? A total asshole?" he asked as I looked at my shoes, the group was walking off as we stood there in front of the cages. "I don't think it matters since I know how you see me, after today you won't have to deal with me anymore." I said as I went to catch up with the group. 

Rick's POV 

I watched her walk off. The flask in my hand as I looked back at the two perceptions. I had my ears covered as I ignored her and her perception kept trying to talk to me. 

"She's dependent on you, that's why she tries to talk to you all the time." 

Turning around there was a nurse behind me. "Why would she want to be dependent on me?" I asked as he stood next to me. "She admires you" he said as he walked off with a clipboard in his hands. Looking back at the two in the cage she tried to get his attention only for him to walk around as he tried to avoid her. 

Leaving the cage I started to catch up with the group. (y/n) was now in front of the group as she was walking. She wasn't making any eye contact with the rest of the group. Why would she admire me? I'm nothing. I'm just a scientist. I grabbed her hand as I caught up with the group. The rest walked by us before I opened a portal in the floor to leave. 

"Let's go home" 

She nodded gently as we went into the portal and ended up in the garage. Turning to look at her she opened the garage door and left as it opened. I watched as she walked down the street towards her house. Sighing I leaned on the counter as I grabbed my flask. I was ready to take a drink before I stopped. Grabbing my portal gun I made a portal and walked through it as I got to her house. 

I sat on the couch as I waited for her to get there before she opened the door and saw me. "Why are you here? Go home" she said as she walked by me. I followed her up the stairs as she went up to her room. Stopping the door with my hand before she could close it I stepped into the room and crossed my arms. 

"You may not believe it but I was wrong" he said. 

She rolled her eyes "Here we go again, making everything about you. You're nothing but an egotistical maniac that couldn't care less about anyone else. All you do is care about yourself and your own personal gains, well Rick I'm tired of it. I'm tired of admiring you and wanting to be like you, I'm starting to see why no one else wants to be your friend considering you're a complete asshole" she said. 

Usually, not a lot of stuff gets to me, but that stung. There wasn't enough booze in the multiverse to numb that pain. I've been blind our entire relationship. Maybe I should be better for her, maybe that'll change her mind. 

"Sweetie, I'm sorry." I said before she waved her hand at me. "I don't want to hear it, get out of my house." she said as she went to sit at her desk. Sighing I turned to leave through a portal. Once I was in my garage I looked around. I decided to make whatever helmet that the therapists had and all I had to do was to change how I perceive her. Which had been changed before we even got home. 

Putting the helmet on my head I had scanned my subconscious allowing the new perception come up. I looked at her as she stepped over to me. "Hey, Rick" she said and I smiled gently. "Hey, Sweetie." I said. Grabbing her hand I made a portal and we walked through it to go to the real (y/n)'s front lawn. I sighed gently as I found some pebbles and threw them at her window. AFter she opened it I pointed to the new perception and she looked over as she rose a brow. "What's that supposed to do? Make me hate you more?" 

"Hello, my name is (y/n)." 

"See she isn't annoying. Not this time. Before we left the tour I realized that you aren't annoying. You're the only one that I know that understands how I work, you know what I'm thinking when I'm thinking it. You aren't annoying like my previous perception had made you out to be." 

She closed the window and I was ready to give up and go home as her perception came over and hugged me. "Let's just go" it said before the front door opened. Looking over I saw her. She came out slowly as she looked at the new perception and noticed that it was like a clone of herself. 

"I want to try the helmet again" she said and I used the portal gun to get back quickly. Slipping the helmet on her head I watched as a perception of me came through the scanner and went over to her new perception. He ruffled her hair gently before he hugged her. I watched as she took the helmet off and looked at me after she put it on the counter. 

"Rick" I said as my new perception looked over. Tossing him a spare portal gun he caught it and made a portal for them to leave. He looked over to her before they grabbed each other 's hands and walked through. Once the portal had disappeared I looked over to (y/n). 

"What did that mean?" 

"That you aren't entirely an asshole. That perception was your calm more gentle and loving side. When you made the new perception of me it showed me that you can care for other people. I was wrong, and I'm sorry, Rick." 

Pulling her into a hug I held her tightly as I sighed gently. "Remember what I said about therapy?" 


"When I said that if I don't like something about the world I could change it. I can, even if it means that I have to start with myself first." 

Tales of Rick Sanchez (Rick x reader Oneshots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя