Blow It Out Your Ass!

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(785 words)

Your POV

"I told you no and that's final dumbass!"

"I don't care what you said to me, sweetie. I'm older than you and this is my damn garage so what I say goes!"

"You seriously think that just because you're the smartest Rick of the entire universe that it's your way or the highway?"

"Pretty much"

"Oh, blow it out your ass, old man."

I mumbled gently ad I shook my head. Slamming my hand on the button for the garage door I ducked under it as it was halfway open and turned to see Rick. Pulling his flask out of his lab coat pocket he furrowed his unibrow at me as he watched me walk away, as I proudly gave him the double middle finger defense.

Turning around I walked down the sidewalk before I put my hands in my pockets. It had rained earlier that day so there were earth worms and puddles on the sidewalks. Along with the familiar smell of wet dirt that the earth gets after fresh rainfall.

I turned a corner or two as I went to the gas station that was just down the way. Walking into the one room building I sighed as I wiped my feet of any loose mud and gave a small nod to the cashier as I was a regular here. Grabbing my things and going to the counter.

"What did he do now?"

I shook my head "He's stubborn as always"

"He's old, thinks he's a genius, and cares about you, what was the argument about?"

"Old- yes, genius- debateable, cares about me- doubtful. As for what happened. It's nothing"

The cashier shrugged gently as they rung me up and I was on my way back to the Smith residence. Fiddling with the wrapper in my pocket I sighed. The clouds had signalled more rain to come as there were a few thunderheads in the distance.

Rain was something I found facinating. Since I was younger I could watch it for hours. No matter how small or how big the storm was. Normally I wish we could get hurricanes and big thunder storms but since we live too far inland, no such luck.

I turned the corner as I noticed that the garage door was closed but there were flashes and soundings of drills inside. I rolled my eyes as I made my way to the front door. Kicking off my shoes I sighed as I went inside.

Morty and Summer tried to stop me as I made my way towards the garage.

"I wouldn't, he's still fuming from earlier"

"He's right, Grandpa Rick is pretty mad"

I shook my head. "Move it or I'll use my sleep inducer on you both"

They shuffled out of the way and I picked the lock for the door. I moved in and purposely slammed the door before I threw the small snack I had at him. It landed next to him and he stopped long enough to turn to see me.

"Get lost"

"Nope, don't think I will"

"Young lady, you're on thin ice"

"And you're on your last decade or so, big deal"

He growled as he stood and looked st me before he started to walk over. His body was tense and his gaze was firm. I could tell he had quite a bit of rage at the moment towards me but I didn't care.

"Listen sweetheart. I don't have to leave the garage because it isn't yours to verify who gets in and who doesn't, secondly you can't be mad at me forever."

He slammed his hand on the wall behind me and the shelf of stuff moved a little. Growling he turned and went back to his desk as he slammed his fist down and grumbled something under his breath

"Old men shouldn't raise their blood pressure so much, that's how heart attacks start" 

He turned and glared at me. "Picking fights with me doesn't help either"

"If you would have listened it wouldn't have escalated"

"If you weren't so stubborn"

"If I wasn't stubborn? You're the most up tight, son of a bitch I've met, Mr. Sanchez"

He shook his head before he looked at me again and leaned on the table. "I don't want to see you in here for a while."

"Fine, don't come knocking on my door because you want help" I said before I left the garage and then house entirely. Walking down the sidewalk I went home. And by walking I meant more of stomping. Something about that man is so infuriating. Running my hand through my hair I shook my head as I got home and flopped on the couch.

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