Chapter Forty-Six

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

Rated M due to future sexual content.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


Usagi begins crying but stops when I sense Mako-chan, Ami-chan, Minako-chan, and Rei and when Usagi feels a hand on her shoulder. We turn around to see the girls standing there. "Come on, cheer up." Mako-chan encourages.

"Usagi-chan, Selena-chan, be strong!" Ami-chan says.

"Don't give up hope!" Minako-chan adds.

"Usagi, Selena, stand up!" Rei orders.

"Okay." We both do.

We both turn to look at Rei. "We'll always be together!"

"Everyone..." Usagi and I murmur.

"Now, run!" Rei tells us.

"Okay!" Usagi agrees before turning around and running. I gaze at the girls briefly before turning and running after Usagi.

~~~Usagi's POV~~~

That's right! I'm not alone! Never alone! I have Nee-chan and others.

~~~3rd POV~~~

The capsule where Endymion was placed finally stops releasing evil energy. He sits up and smiles before he lets out an evil laugh. He opens his eyes to show they are blank, and they briefly light up dull gold.


~~~Selena's POV~~~

We have reached the entrance to the Dark Kingdom. "So, this is the Dark Kingdom's stronghold, right Nee-chan?" Usagi asks.

"Yeah, it looks that way. A lot of evil energy is focused on this point." I point out softly.

"Ami-chan, Rei-chan, Mako-chan, Minako-chan...we'll do our best to the very end!" Usagi states.

"Yes, we will!" I agree softly.

I sense a ball of energy coming from behind us. It snatches us up at a fast speed. The energy ball releases us, and we fall to the ground.

"Welcome, Princesses! You have done well to come this far. I praise you for a job well done." A female voice comments.

Beryl comes from out of the shadows. "Queen Beryl," Usagi murmurs.

"Yes, I am Queen Beryl." The rest of the shadow disappears to reveal Endymion kneeling, kissing Beryl's hand. "Endymion, kill the princesses!" She orders.

"As you wish." Endymion lunges towards us; his sword is drawn. Usagi and I dodge out of the way, though he is going after Usagi, not me.

Usagi takes out her Moon Stick, but I don't. I know that the Moon Stick won't work this time. "Moon Healing Escalation!" Usagi calls out.

"You're wasting your time. You are still not a full-fledged princess. Even if you use the Silver Crystal, you will not be able to remove Queen Metalia's dark energy from Endymion's body. Stop wasting your time and quietly hand me the Silver Crystal." Queen Beryl taunts.

Awakening of the Moon Princesses Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant