Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


"Now, Sailor Moon! Sailor Celestia!" Rei orders softly, still upset.

"Okay! Moon Healing Escalation!" We both call out.

"Refresh!" Saeko calls out before falling to the ground.

We look back at Endymion. He lets out a scoff. "Killing you guys right now would give me nothing to brag about! Goodbye. We will meet again." He walks off, his cape flying behind him.

Rei kneels next to Yuuichirou, lifting him off the ground. "But you know, Yuuichirou is such a hopeless baka. Baka." Rei leans forward and kisses him on his cheek.

Saeko stirs and pushes herself off the ground. "Oh? What am I doing here?"

We make a fire. Usagi and I sit in front of it while Rei stands up. Yuuichirou is resting against a post. He stirs slightly before he wakes back up.

"Oh, are you finally awake?" Usagi asks happily as she stands up.

His gaze moves straight to Rei as he stands up with a grin. "I'm so glad! You're safe!"

"Yes. Sailor Senshi showed up and rescued us." Rei offers.

Yuuichirou places a hand on his head and lowers his eyes. "I see. I'm sorry, I'm such a good-for-nothing."

"That's not true! Yuuichirou-san, you were really cool!" Usagi praises.

Yuuichirou looks up with wide eyes. "What?"

"Right, Rei-chan?" Usagi queries slyly.

Rei shrugs her shoulders with a smile on her face. "Well, kind of."

Yuuichirou blushes. "Oh, really?! Man, you're making me blush."

The four of us laugh when Ami-chan, Mako-chan, and Minako-chan find us. "Hey, what are you doing goofing off over here?! Honestly! Everyone was worried!" Mako-chan scolds.

"But I'm glad. After all, they say, 'A healthy horse is a good horse.'" Minako-chan comments.

"I don't think that proverb is used in situations like this," Ami-chan points out.

"Usagi kept on making a mess of things, so I just had an awful time!" Rei says teasingly.

Usagi stands behind Rei and places her hands on her shoulders. "What?! How could you say that?! We reaffirmed our friendship with each other, remember?!"

Rei closes her mirth-filled eyes and looks away. "Friendship with you?! I'd scrunch it up and toss it away!"

Usagi wails. "Rei-chan's being mean to me!"

I chuckle softly as Rei opens her eyes briefly before closing them and sticking out her tongue. They act like sisters, though they deny they are close.


~~~Selena's POV~~~

Usagi and I are watching Ice skating on the TV with Minako-chan, Artemis, Luna, Crescent, and Yue.

Usagi watches the TV with a blush on her face. "They're wonderful!"

Minako-chan has one, too. "You can tell why Janelyn and Misha are Olympic gold medallists." Usagi lets out a cheer. "So beautiful!" Minako-chan offers.

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