Chapter Nineteen

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


The Youma hands are still around her neck. I race forward to try and pull them off. Before anything else, a rose goes past Youma's face and embeds it in the ground. This distraction helps me pull the hands off Usagi's throat. Usagi falls to the floor, so I move forward and heal the damage caused. I also pick up the rose and put it in my pocket space.

"Who's there?!" The Youma demands.

"Tuxedo Mask!" Usagi cheers, sneaking glances at me and Tuxedo Mask.

"Now!" He orders.

"Right! Moon Tiara Action!" Usagi calls out.

"Moon Slash!" I call out at the same time.

The Youma screams and slowly turns into dust, starting from her right foot upwards.

Usagi and I rush back to the window to see Mika-chan awake, rushing over to Shingo. "You're awake," Usagi calls out, causing Shingo and Mika-chan to turn and look at us.

"Oh, Sailor Moon! Sailor Celestia!" Mika-chan exclaims surprised.

"We punished the bad Youma! I hope you two get along well together forever." Usagi announces happily.

"Shingo, don't forget to apologise," I add before we jump out of the window.

The next day, Shingo comes home from school with a figure of Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestia.


~~~3rd POV~~~

Nephrite's Mansion~~~

Nephrite stands in the darkroom with his eyes closed. "The stars know everything. Leo shines in the southern night sky. And the star, Regulus, presides over his strong leg. Show me the weakness of the sailor senshi, our despised enemies."

The moon flashes a beam and hits his forehead. He opens his eyes, and they glow red, and scenes fill his mind. It shows Tuxedo Mask saving Sailor Moon or Celestia, their attacks and Celestia's reaction to Tuxedo Mask's presence.

Nephrite opens his eyes. "I have found Sailor Celestia's weakness!" He chuckles.

Petals fill the room, and Zoisite appears. "Nephrite, Queen Beryl-sama is calling for you."

"Nephrite, it seems the collection of human energy is not proceeding very well." Queen Beryl comments.

Nephrite turns his head away. "The universe was not created overnight."

"Do not talk back to me! If you cannot defeat Sailor Moon, Sailor Celestia, and the others, I will sentence you to 'Eternal Sleep', just like Jadeite!" Queen Beryl says angrily, her flying around her.

The people in the background make scared sounds. "Such a terrible punishment." Zoisite taunts.

Nephrite turns to glare at him. "I am one of the Great Four of the Dark Kingdom, Nephrite! I do not need others to order me around." He looks back at Queen Beryl, a fist clenched against his chest. "I am already thinking of a way to defeat Sailor Moon, Sailor Celestia and the rest."

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