Chapter Six

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


The next morning, Shingo is feeding Luna, Crescent, and Yue some food on the table.

"It's good you are getting along," Papa says happily.

"From today on, we are a family of eight," Mama says cheerfully.

He sure changed his tune, didn't he? Oh well. I think chuckling. 


~~~Selena's POV~~~

Usagi is around Naru-chan's place with Luna, but I didn't feel like going with her. I decided to stay upstairs in my room, finish reading the rest of my books and practice the spells inside.

Let's see what topics are there. Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, Alchemy, Apparition, Ancient Studies, Art, Ghoul Studies, Magical Theory, different languages (Latin, French, Goblin etc.), Legilimency, Occlumency, Barriers, Myths and legends and Healing.

Quite a few books to go through, but these are thinner and shouldn't take me as long as they did when reading my family Grimoires and practising and perfecting all the spells.

It will only take me fifteen minutes to read one book, and I have over 60, so maybe five hours- six hours tops.

~~~3rd POV~~~

~~~Unknown Location~~~

Cassette tape is hovering inside Queen Beryl's crystal ball. The music on said tape is playing. A vase of red roses is in front of the crystal ball. Jadeite is standing with his head bowed and arm across his chest.

The red roses lose their red colour until they wilt completely. Queen Beryl lets out a gasp when they do. "It stole the plant's energy, this music..."

Jadeite lowers his arm and lifts his head. "Queen Beryl-sama, this music has subliminal high-frequency waves hidden inside it. The humans that listen to this will become like the plant..."

Queen Beryl stops the tape, which comes out of her crystal ball and hovers above it. "Interesting...Try it." She orders as the tape is thrown towards him.

He catches the tape with no trouble. "At once!" A flock of bats appears behind him. "Kyurene."

A female figure appears kneeling behind him. She has red, wavy hair and green eyes. She wears a purple long-sleeved dress, black leggings, and purple ankle boots.

Jadeite lifts the tape. "Place the high-frequency wave on this tape into the humans' music."

She lifts her head. "As you wish."  

~~~Usagi's POV~~~

I go around Naru-chan alone as Nee-chan is staying at home. I wanted Nee-chan to come, too. I think with a pout.

I snap out of my thoughts when I get to Naru-chan's, and we head upstairs to her room. She gets out her stereo and places on a CD. Naru-chan sits on the floor with her knees drawn up to her chest and her eyes closed. Luna is lying in front of me, asleep. I am lying on my stomach with her arms folded on a pillow and my head resting on them with my eyes closed.

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