Chapter Two

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\

~~~Chapter Two~~~


"Hey, I had a really wonderful dream last night. Senshi of justice named Sailor Moon and Sailor Celestia appeared and destroyed this monster." Naru-chan says.

"What? I had the same dream!" Another classmate says.

"Me too!" Another agrees.

"How strange," Naru-chan says before looking down at Usagi. "Hey, Usagi. Usagi. Listen!" Naru-chan says, trying to get her attention.

Usagi, of course, was asleep, her head resting on her desk. Usagi lifts her head. "Be quiet. I'm tired; let me sleep a little more." Usagi yawns before resting her head on her folded arms. "Goodnight!"

I'm not as tired, but I need to do more training in my magic, elements I can use, and, of course, making sure my body stays fit, but I'll worry about it another day.


~~~3rd POV~~~

~~~Near an Alleyway~~~

Two woman runs towards an alleyway. "Hurry! Hurry!" A female encourages.

"Wait for me!" Another female calls out.

Around the corner, inside the alleyway, an older man is sitting down. He is holding a bunch of sticks. He shuffles them about before holding a few in his hands as four females watch. The man narrows his eyes before he looks up and smiles.

The four females let out sighs as smiles appeared on their faces. The four female giggles happily as a lengthy line of people queue behind them. At the back of this queue is a man wearing a blue coat, hat, and glasses.

The female in front of him holds up a finger. "This place is really good."

"I know." The female next to her agrees. "It's been on TV a few times."

Two females run up and stand behind him. "Wow, look at the line."

The man lets out a low scoff before turning away. He takes hold of his glasses and pushes them up. Foolish humans. He walks away.

~~~Unknown Location~~~

The same creepy room comes into view. "What? You still haven't found the legendary silver crystal?" Queen Beryl demands.

"No." The people in the shadows state.

"Hurry. Our great ruler is waiting for a lot of energy." Queen Beryl orders.

"Leave it to us." The group agrees.

A figure appears in front of her. "Is that you, Jadeite?" Queen Beryl questions.

Jadeite bows. "Yes."

"As you heard, we still have not found the legendary silver crystal. So, I want human energy instead." She states.

"Queen Beryl-sama, it has already been taken care of." Jadeite smirks.

~~~Selena's POV~~~

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