Chapter Thirty-Four

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


"Crescent...Beam!" A female voice calls out.

"Who is it?" Kunzite demands.

"The pretty sailor suited soldier, Sailor Venus!" She takes off her mask. "Here I am, at last!"

Two crescent moons collided above her head before she raised her right index finger to touch them. She lowered her right arm to point at her target as her left arm came to rest on her elbow, then shot a beam of light from her index finger. "Crescent...Beam!"

The pair of them dodges. "Sailor V! You're Sailor V-chan, aren't you?" Usagi asks.

Artemis appears above Luna on the top pipe. "The soldier for justice, Sailor V! But her true identity is...The pretty sailor suited soldier, Sailor Venus!" Artemis jumps and lands next to Luna. "Luna, it's been a long time. Crescent, Yue, you two!"

"Artemis!" Luna, Crescent, and Yue exclaim.

"How dare you! Kunzite-sama, please go! I will handle them." Zoisite curses as he stands in front of Kunzite, arms held out wide.

A voice comes from the sky. "Wait, Zoisite, Kunzite!"

"Queen Beryl-sama!" Kunzite calls out.

Her face appears in the sky. "That is enough. The situation has changed. Withdraw."

"But why?" Zoisite questions, confused.

"Withdraw! I order it!" She orders.

"We have no choice," Kunzite states, closing his eyes.

"But Kunzite-sama..." Zoisite trails off.

"Sailor Senshi—we will meet again," Kunzite claims before they disappear.

We moved to a different area on the dock. "Now the six soldiers and four Nekos are assembled. That means that everyone is here now." Artemis states.

"Sailor V, no, Sailor Venus," Mako-chan says.

Usagi lets out a gasp. "Are you the younger Moon Princess?"

Sailor Venus doesn't answer but just smiles. She must have her memories of her previous life back already.

~~~To be Continued~~~


"No, I'm one of the soldiers to protect the younger princess, like you are. Nice to meet you, everyone." She says, holding out her hand. Usagi, Ami-chan, Mako-chan, and Rei put their hand over hers. "Nice to meet you." They say one after the other.

My eyes lock with Venus, and it softens ever so slightly. Artemis breaks the silence. "Sorry to break the festive mood, but we're in the middle of investigating a certain place. I'll fill you in tomorrow. Let's meet at the Hikawa Shrine in the afternoon. See you later, Luna, Crescent, and Yue."

"See you tomorrow." Luna agrees.

"See you, everybody," Venus says before leaping.

"Off she goes," Ami-chan states.

"She's pretty hasty, isn't she?" Rei points out.

Stars are in Usagi's eyes. "But she's so cool!

We all go home, but I sneak out (leaving a copy of myself in my room) and head to Mamoru's apartment.

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