Chapter Twelve

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


Rei jumps at her from the left. "Begone, evil spirit!" She places a talisman on her forehead. She isn't able to then move.

"Moon Tiara Action!" Usagi calls out.

"Fire Soul!" Rei calls out.

"Moon Slash!" I call out.

Rei's fire attack connects with Usagi's tiara. My attack follows fast behind. Usagi's and Rei's attacks hit the apple, causing the apple to turn to dust. My attack hit Moolyd, and she turned to dust.

"We did it!" Usagi cheers. 

~~~3rd POV~~~

The ball of energy hovering above Jadeite's hand disappears. He clenches his teeth as sweat rolls down his cheek. "Darn you, sailor senshi. You will pay for this."

~~~Selena's POV~~~

Slowly, the candy house also turns into dust. We leave before we are seen.

We wandered the park after getting ice cream, apart from Ami-chan and Luna.

"Listen! You were able to win because all of you worked together! Don't forget about what happened today." Luna says proudly.

"I know!" Usagi admits. Usagi looks at Rei, and once again, the arguing starts. "Hey, isn't yours bigger than mine?"

"Don't be ridiculous! You picked which one you wanted!" Rei argues back.

"Trade with me!" Usagi demands.

"No way!" Rei says as she runs from Usagi.

Usagi, of course, chases after her. "Hey, Trade! Trade!"

"Usagi, you will drop your ice cream," I warn, but it is too late.

Ultimately, Usagi loses her ice cream because she tripped.


~~~3rd POV~~~

~~~Unknown Location~~~

In front of Jadeite, he has a project on Sailor Moon's 'Moon Tiara Action' and Sailor Celestia's 'Moon Slash.

Jadeite clenches his fists and lifts his left one. "Tsk! Darn those detestable girls!"

A female giggles from behind him. A pillar of water forms. When it disappears, a female is standing there. This female has long dark teal hair, light skin, and teal eyes, and she is wearing a blue short sleeveless dress with white gloves.

"I had no idea that Jadeite-sama was having such a hard time with little girls."

"Thetis..." Jadeite trails off.

"I'm so glad that you remember me, Jadeite-sama." She says softly.

"You serve directly under Queen Beryl. What brings you here?" Jadeite questions.

"You have not changed a bit." She lifts her entwined hands. "I adore you, but you always give me the cold shoulder."

Jadeite scoffs. "I don't have time for your games. Get out of here!" He orders.

Awakening of the Moon Princesses Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ