Chapter Forty-One

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

Rated M due to future sexual content.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


"Refresh!" The Youma's appearance changed altogether. She has changed back into her beautiful human self. She has long black hair and eyes and is wearing a long kimono.

"She's ascending to Heaven after being released from the bonds of eternal jealousy," Rei comments, a smile on her face.

"Beautiful..." Usagi murmurs.

The Youma now-turned girl smiles and waves. After she had completely disappeared, we turned to look at Endymion. "Tuxedo Mask-sama!" Usagi says.

"I am tempted to say that this was none of your business. However, I owe you for this one, Farewell." He jumps and disappears.

"Wait!" I call out but stop when I sense he has gone.

It is long before Usagi and I hear Mama, Papa, and Shingo calling for us. "Hey, Usagi! Selena!"

"Usagi, Selena, where are you?" Mama calls out.

"Answer us!" Papa calls out.

"Nee-chan's! The monster must have gotten them. I should have let Usagi play with my video game. " Shingo comments, letting out a sniffle.

"Gee, thanks!" Usagi says as we walk closer; well, in Usagi's case, pops from behind Shingo's back.

"Nee-chan's!" Shingo exclaims happily.

"Papa! Mama!" Usagi and I call out as we run towards them.

"Usagi! Selena!" They both call back.

Usagi goes straight into Mama's arms while I stand behind her. "We were so worried."

"I'm sorry." Usagi and I apologise.

~~~Usagi's POV~~~

My brave Papa and kind Mama...gently and strong Nee-chan and snotty but still cute Shingo...I love my family, after all.

~~~Selena's POV~~~

~~~In the Hot Springs~~~

Usagi and I end up in the hot springs with the rest of the girls. I look briefly at my wound to see that it has already healed, no scar left behind. I look at Usagi briefly before the pair gaze up at the Moon.


"Usagi-chan, Selena-chan," Mako-chan calls out to us. "Cheer up. You still have lots of chances."

"Mako-chan. We're all right. After all, we've got good friends like you." Usagi acknowledges.

"Hmm, that's not right, Usagi. We are more than friends. We are a family. We certainly act like one." I add.

Usagi nods her head before looking at the girls. "But why is everyone here?"

Usagi and I approach them; I see a sweat drop on Ami-chan's face. "Luna called us."

Rei has her hands on her hips. "So, we decided..."

They all move closer to Usagi. "...we didn't want to let you..."

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