Chapter Nine

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


"Sorry for mistaking you for a Youma." Luna apologises.

"That's okay," Ami-chan replies with a smile.

"But it's reassuring to have you as one of us. Right, Luna, Nee-chan, Lunetta?" Usagi questions happily.

"Definitely." The three of us say at the same time.

"Oh, thank you. Usagi-chan, Selena-chan, Lunetta-chan." Ami-chan says with a smile.

"Yes?" Usagi acknowledges.

"Once again, I'm glad to meet you. Let's work together so we can beat the bad guys!" Ami-chan exclaims happily.

Ami-chan holds out her hand. Usagi places her hand inside hers. "Me too! I'm glad I met you!"

Lunetta and I nod in agreement and share a smile. Our family is getting bigger and is coming together once more. I couldn't help but think with a soft smile.


~~~3rd POV~~~

~~~Unknown Location~~~

"What?! Did you say the third senshi showed up?" Queen Beryl demands.

"Yes," Jadeite replies.

"The nerve! Then all the more reason to hurry and collect energy for our ruler!" Queen Beryl comments.

Jadeite lowers his head slightly. "Queen Beryl, I have a great idea. Humans produce more energy when they are psychologically stressed. For example, when they are pressed for time. So, if we steal their time and cause them to rush about, we can efficiently collect their increased energy."

A smile appears on Queen Beryl's face. "Very well. Proceed with your plan."

"Yes, my lady." Jadeite agrees with a smirk.

~~~Selena's POV~~~

Usagi, Lunetta and I meet Ami-chan at the Harajuku Station after getting dressed. I am wearing a white, pink and lilac dress. I have a purple bow behind my neck attached to the top part of my dress. The top of the dress has a white ruff at the top and the bottom of a pink and light pink strip section. The bottom of the dress is a light lilac with white, blue, purple, and pink stars. The sandals are purple with purple and white flowers. I also place on a lilac cardigan.  


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