Chapter Twenty-Five

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


Naru-chan cries herself to sleep in my arms. Ami-chan, Rei and Usagi head home while I take Naru-chan back to her bedroom. I look down at Naru-chan, who is lying in my arms. I bit my bottom lip. Should I tell her the truth or continue to keep it a secret? I close my eyes, deep in thought, for a few seconds before opening them again.

I gently shake Naru-chan's shoulder. "Naru-chan...Naru-chan. Wake up. I have something important to tell you." She stirs but doesn't wake up. "Come on, Naru-chan. It's about Nephrite." I add softly.

Her eyelids begin to flicker, and she struggles to open her eyes. After a few seconds, they open, filled with her pain, agony and heartbreak. "Nephrite-sama?"

I nod my head softly. "Can you keep a very important secret, Naru-chan? A secret that you can't tell anyone else?"

Naru-chan looks confused, but she nods her head. I smiled before undoing my transformation, appearing back in my school uniform. Naru-chan's eyes widen in surprise. "Selena! You're Sailor Celestia. So...Usagi is Sailor Moon. Is that why you disappear all of the time?"

"It is. Now, getting back to Nephrite. He isn't dead, don't worry. He is in a coma inside my healing sphere." I state softly.

"He is?" Naru-chan's question, light appearing back in her eyes. "C-Can I see?" She asks hesitantly.

"Sure, Naru-chan." I agree softly before holding out my arm. "Hold on to my arm tightly, and we will go." Naru-chan quickly holds onto my arm, her face pressing into my side. With her ready, I apparate straight to the house.

I pop into the same room where Nephrite is being healed. Naru-chan opens her eyes and lets out a gasp. She rushes over to the healing sphere and places her hands gently on it.

I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I turn to see Jadeite enter the room. "Hime-sama, what are you...Nephrite!" Jadeite trails off before exclaiming in surprise. He rushes over to the healing sphere and stops around the other side. "Hime-sama, what is wrong with Nephrite?" He questions, concern in his voice.

"He got injured protecting Naru-chan," I stated softly.

"Naru-chan...?" Jadeite queries before turning to look at Naru-chan.

"Yes, this is Naru-chan. Nephrite's soul mate." I confirmed with a fond smile.

Naru-chan looks at me, surprised, tears in the corner of her eyes. "Soul mate...? Nephrite-sama's? Me?"

I nod my head softly. "Why do you think you fell in love with Nephrite so quickly? Especially when you had only met a few times before. You are made for each other; you complete each other."

Happy tears fill Naru-chan's eyes. Exhaustion comes over her, and she begins to collapse to the ground. Jadeite rushes towards Naru-chan and scoops her in his arms before she can. "Is she alright, Hime-sama?"

Jadeite places her in my arms. "She is fine. Exhaustion overcame her due to the worry and heartbreak of thinking she lost Nephrite. She will be fine after a good night's sleep. I better take her back home before her Mama notices that she is gone."

"Of course. Goodnight, Hime-sama." Jadeite says as he leaves the room.

I apparate back to Naru-chan's room. I place her in her bed before tucking her in. As Naru-chan fell into a deeper sleep, tears rolled down her cheek in relief and happiness.

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