Chapter Thirty-Two

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I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\



"Oh, no! Don't throw cold water on the flame of love!" Rei comments.

Mako-chan slides down the slope and gets Luna from the Youma's paw. "Sailor Jupiter!" Rei calls.

"Sorry to be late," Usagi calls out.

"It's about time, what took you so long?" Rei demands.

"I'm sorry, I was very careless." Ami-chan apologises.

"It's certainly not that Usagi-chan was playing a video game," Mako-chan says.

"Really. It's not Usagi-chan's fault at all." Ami-chan agrees.

"You two aren't helping me much." Usagi sweatdrops with a pout.

"Come on! This is no time for stand-up comedy, you three!" Luna scolds.

"Oh, yeah. All right!" Usagi and I get out our Moon Sticks. "Moon Healing Escalation!" We both call out.

"Meow-fresh!" The Youma turns back into the fat cat.

We watch the little girl hug the cat. "Oh, my, you had me really worried."

"She looks so happy," Usagi says cheerfully.

"Don't you want to say goodbye to your boyfriend?" Rei asks Luna.

"Luna! You have something going with that Neko?" Mako-chan questions.

"What are you talking about?" Luna queries.

"Woo, woo! Go for it, Luna!" Usagi cheers.

"You too, Usagi-chan? Don't make up stories, all right?" Luna denies sweatdropping and a slight blush on her face.

Luna says that, but she has a small smile on her face.


~~~3rd POV~~~

A dog sits outside the arcade and howls at the Moon as Luna sneaks inside. Luna looks in that direction before looking back at the screen. "Code name 0091. This is Luna. The password is 'The rabbit on the moon makes rice cakes.' Please respond."

"The moon rice cakes are sticky." The distorted voice says back.

"When I grilled them, they puffed up." Luna finishes.

"So, how are the Sailor Senshi progressing?" The voice asks.

A smile appears on Luna's face. "Well, there's one who still has no sense of duty, but otherwise okay."

"The day for all six Sailor Senshi to meet is approaching." The voice comments.

Luna stands up, surprised. "Eh? Really?"

The voice makes an agreeing sound. "Therefore, it is time to tell them about the matter we discussed."

"Are you sure it's okay?" Luna asks hesitantly.

"The battle with the Dark Kingdom is intensifying. There is a need to build the morale of the Sailor Senshi." The voice points out.

"I understand." Luna agrees as the screen in front of her turns off. Luna turns around and gazes outside. So, the time has come to reveal the truth to them.

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